What is average lifespan of platelets – imaluop

What is average lifespan of platelets

Now I will discuss what is average lifespan of platelets. Lifespan of platelets is very short. Lifespan of platelets can be determined by tracer techniques. On an average lifespan of a platelet is from 7 days to 10 days. But during some specific infections lifespan can be reduced than normal lifespan. For example, during malaria lifespan reduces. During malaria a platelet can live only 3 days to 4 days. Lifespan of platelets depends on many physiological activities. In other animals the lifespan of platelets is not the same as in the case of humans. For example, the lifespan of a mouse is about 5 days.

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What is average lifespan of a WBC cell
What is average lifespan of platelets
What is average lifespan of platelets

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