What is average lifespan of a hamster – imaluop.com

What is average lifespan of a hamster

Now I will discuss what is average lifespan of a hamster. In general the lifespan of a hamster is around 3.5 years. But it varies with breed. In case of some breed they live only for 2-3 years. In case of some other breeds they live more than 5 years. They are prone to cold disease. Due to bacterial infection they die soon.

What is average lifespan of a hamster
What is average lifespan of hamster

They are prone to respiratory disease from cold. They may be infected by humans also. So humans should take care when they touch them. So frequently sanitization can reduce the chances. Sometimes due to cage structure they are injured.

What is average lifespan of a hamster
What is average lifespan of hamster

So cage structure is also important. Their bedding is also important. Bedding made of unusual matter can cause irritation to them.

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What is average lifespan of a hamster
What is average lifespan of a hamster

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