What is average lifespan of a WBC cell
Now I will discuss what is average lifespan of a WBC cell. Lifespan is different for different types of WBC cells. Neutrophils live from 5 days to a few days. Eosinophils live 7 days to 13 days. Basophil live from a few hours to a few days. Lymphocytes live a few weeks to a few years. Monocytes live from a few hours to a few days.

But when the body faces many infections they die quickly. They have to overwork at peak level of infection. So don’t live more at the time of infection. Even in some cases they hardly live for a few hours during serious infection.

If infection is less they live more. On an average we can assume that the lifespan of a normal WBC cell is between 15 days to 20 days.
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Resource: What is average lifespan of a WBC cell
If you want more information about What is average lifespan of a WBC cell then you can research more on Google or YouTube or Wikipedia.

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