What is average lifespan of a crocodile – imaluop.com

What is average lifespan of a crocodile

What is average lifespan of a crocodile : short answer less or more like a human being. Lifespan of a crocodile varies from species to species. But in general most of the species live from 30 years to 40 years. But bigger species live more than 60 years. If they are kept in zoos they live more than other wild crocodiles.

Because in zoos they get great care. They get proper nutrition, medical care. So they live more than others. Even in some cases crocodiles of more than 120 years are observed. Also their lifespan varies with the nature of water where they live. Fresh water or salt water also determine their lifespan. 

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What is average lifespan of a crocodile
What is average lifespan of a crocodile
What is average lifespan of a crocodile
What is average lifespan of a crocodile
What is average lifespan of a crocodile
What is average lifespan of a crocodile

Resource: What is average lifespan of a crocodile

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