What is average lifespan of a Shih Tzu
Now I will discuss what is average lifespan of a Shih Tzu. In general a Shih Tzu lives from 11 years to 17 years. Highest living Shih Tzu is recorded to die at the age of 23. But unfortunately due to some reason most of the Shih Tzu do not reach even 10 years. In case of puppies major death occurs due to infection.

It can be prevented by administration of proper vaccines. Sometimes due to some accident they die. Cancer is also a major reason for the death of Shih Tzu. Mammary gland cancer, bone cancer are frequently observed.

Urinary system disease is also responsible for their early death. Specially bladder, kidney disease are more seen in case of Shih Tzu.
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Resource: What is average lifespan of a Shih Tzu

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