What is lifespan of cats indoor and outdoor
Now I will discuss What is lifespan of cats indoor and outdoor. Lifespan of cats depends upon the surroundings around the cat. If the cat is an outdoor cat then the cat is directly exposed to various kinds of dangers. Dangers mean accident, other enemy animal, infection. Sometimes due to food poison their lifespan becomes very short.

In the case of indoor cats a lot of dangers are not available here. But yet some dangers remain indoors also. For example household chemicals which may be poison for cats. There are many plants which are harmful to cats. Even we should consider the diet of cats which gives impact on cats lifespan.

If everything is okay then comes the matter of genetics. Lifespan of cats depends upon breed also. All the cat breeds vary their lifespan a little bit. If we take great care then we can expect upto 17 years plus.

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Resource: What is lifespan of cats indoor and outdoor

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