Skin of Scoliodon (Integument)

Skin of Scoliodon

The skin of Scoliodon:  The leathery skin or integument of Scoliodon have both dermis and epidermis layers, the outer layer of integument in Scoliodon is the epidermis and the skin layer below the epidermis is known as dermis or corium layer. The tissues of the epidermis are ectodermal in origin while the tissues in the … Read more

Body Aperture of Scoliodon  

Scoliodon Habits Habitat and Geographical Distribution

Scoliodon is a marine cartilaginous fish, Scoliodon also known as Dogfish, they are an active predator, we will discuss the aperture or pores present on their body. Scoliodon have a streamlined body shape, they have a blackish appearance on the dorsal side and white coloration on the ventral side, the body surface is rough due … Read more

Scoliodon: Habits Habitat and Geographical Distribution  

Scoliodon Habits Habitat and Geographical Distribution.

Scoliodon: A Cartilaginous Fish:  Scoliodon is a cartilaginous fish, they are aquatic, the body is streamlined, the body is covered by scales(dermal denticles), they are all marine. Scoliodon is a true fish, all the fishes can be classified into two categories based on their endoskeleton, cartilaginous fish and bony fish.  All the cartilaginous fish are … Read more