Both forest and wildlife are very important for our healthy environment and we have the responsibility to give them better opportunities for their expansion and help to increase their productivity, and we have to think about how forest and wildlife conservation can be done.
From the very beginning we utilise different products of forest and wildlife which helps us to develop our society more with time but due to overexploitation and other reason forest and wildlife are in danger and it is time to conserve them because we all are highly dependent on forest and wildlife without them we can not imagine our earth suitable for living organisms.
From forest and wildlife we get different types of material like food, medicine, fibres, different types of raw material, the largest number of trees on forest contribute to our global atmospheric oxygen which is very essential for all living organisms and due to forest large number of ecosystem is alive with destruction of forest large number of ecosystem also vanish and destruction of forest is very harmful for the wildlife.
Table of Contents
Conservation of Forest:
Forest conservation can be done in different ways but we have to follow these aspects, one side we have to ensure that the exploitation of forest should be minimised and another side we have to plant new trees as much as possible so that we can balance the destruction of forest with creation of forest.
Due to high demand in various industries the deforestation occuring in very high rate but we can not compensate the forest as it requires so we should take different steps to minimise the harmful effects of deforestation like selective cutting, shelter wood cutting.
Sometimes due human activities or natural forest fire destroys large forest areas in a moment and a lot of wildlife suffer from various types of difficulty so we should be aware about it and we have ready modern very effective fire fight techniques to prevent mass forest fire.
In forests we have to plant a large number of plants so that we can balance the damage in forests due deforestation and other human or natural activities and we should take care of the plant so that they get much opportunity to grow.
Different types of chemicals should be avoided in forests which can damage the forest ecosystem and we have to reduce the overexploitation.
Conservation of Wildlife:
The plant and animal present in forests are known as wildlife and we need to conserve them because we get a lot of benefits from wildlife for example, many plant species of forest have great medicinal value, they form large ecosystem, wildlife show great biodiversity, the fossil fuels we get is product of forest, the plant in forests help to maintain global climatic conditions and contribute the atmospheric oxygen.
In a forest whole wildlife is interdependent on each other so we should conserve both forest and wildlife to maintain our healthy environment.
Why Should We Conserve Forest and Wildlife:
We Need Oxygen:
The large amount of oxygen present in our atmosphere is the result of photosynthesis in plants and in forests a large number of tree lives which are responsible for a major portion of oxygen in our atmosphere and the oxygen is necessary to live for all organisms because during respiration oxygen is must.
Maintain The Carbon Cycle:
On our earth the carbon cycle is very important and plants take part in recycling of carbon and keep continuing the carbon cycle.
Shelter for Many Wild Animals:
Many wild animals are completely dependent on forest due to their food and shelter, without forest they suffer from habitat loss, lack of sufficient food which decreases their productivity.
We Get Wood and Other Raw Materials:
From forest we harvest wood which can be used for manufacturing different furniture and other household items and we get different raw materials like fibres.

Maintain Global Climatic Conditions:
On our earth forests help to control global climatic conditions, for example they help to prevent the flood and maintain atmospheric temperature.
Read More: Methods of Biodiversity Conservation

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