Different Types of Agricultural Tools – Imaluop

Hi now we will discuss different types of agricultural tools farmers used for their cultivation development. Agriculture needs a lot of hard work and if everything is performed through man power then it takes a lot of time and money.

But instead of intensive manpower if we use different instruments then we can save a lot of time and money. Today in an increasing population country food demand is very high so it is time to increase yield as much as possible. Use of different types of instruments or implement in the place of hands make the agricultural process very fast.  

Different Types of Agricultural Tools
Different Types of Agricultural Tools

Basic Ideas About Agricultural Instruments: 

As we discussed before we use different tools and instruments to reduce the manpower in the agricultural process. Some instruments need humans to operate them while some instruments work automatically just need human observations. 

Different Types of Agricultural Instruments: 

Farmers use different types of instruments to fasten their cultivation for different purposes but we can divide them in five broad categories. 

Instruments for Irrigation: 

Sufficient amount of water in the right time is necessary for efficient cultivation. If we use manpower to manage water supply to the field then it would be a waste of time and money. So farmers use different types of machinery to accelerate the water supply process. Pump sets are used to irrigate the crops properly.  

Tools for Soil Cultivation: 

Soil treatment takes a lot of time because the soil preparation is a very energy consuming process. But machines can do it very fast and we can save our hard work and time for preparing the soil for the crops. Different types of instruments like disk, drag, spike are used to plough the soil within very less time. These instruments can be used for faster soil preparation in agriculture.  

Instruments Used for Planting:  

After soil treatment it is time to plant the seed in the field. It is not very easy if the field is very large and it takes a lot of time. Machines help to plant the seed over a large area field in a short span of time. Different types of instruments are used to plant the seed in fields like broadcast seeders, air seeders are used.  

Crops Harvesting Instruments: 

If crops are not harvested in the right time then there is a strong possibility for crop damage. But crop harvesting needs a lot of manpower but machines can save us from a lot of time and money. Trailer diggers are the most frequently used instruments for crop harvesting.  

Other Agricultural Instruments: 

Agriculture requires more work and we use different instruments for various purposes. Now we will discuss various agricultural instruments used for different purposes below one by one.  

Hoe: This is a traditional agricultural instrument used by farmers to loosen the soils in the field. Hoe is a wooden rod with a bended metal plate which loose the soils and remove the unnecessary weeds in the field. Animals are utilised with this instrument and humans also need to operate this instrument. 

Seed Drill: This instrument is used for showing the seed in the field within a short span of time and it reduces the hard work. Seed should sow in the proper gap and proper depth and instruments can do it efficiently. 

Cultivator: This instrument is used to stir the soils around the crop plants which removes unnecessary weeds and promotes the growth of the crops. 

Plough: This instrument is a traditional machinery which has a wooden plough and used by animals. Now wooden ploughs are not used instead iron ploughs are used by tractors for tiling the soils. 

Different Types of Agricultural Tools
Different Types of Agricultural Tools

In agriculture others many instruments are used like, sickle, axe are used for different purposes. 

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Reference: different types of agricultural tools

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