Hi, today we are going to discuss causes and symptoms of anaemia which will cover all possible reasons for anaemia and the signs which indicate anaemia. However we are discussing anaemia only for educational purposes which will give a general overview about anaemia but always take consultation of a doctor before deciding if anyone suffers from Anaemia or not.
Because medical sciences are much complicated and a few symptoms can not ensure anaemia, it needs proper medical investigation before reaching a final decision so please consult your doctor if you think that you are suffering from Anaemia.
Table of Contents
What is Anaemia:
Anaemia is not a disease itself but it is a condition which indicates that red blood cells in our body may be present in less number than its requirements for a normal life or may be quality of red blood cells are very poor.
Red blood cells are main factors for transferring oxygen to all living tissue with the help of a special protein haemoglobin. So anaemia also refers to the reduced amount of haemoglobin in red blood cells or low quality red blood cells or reduced number of red blood cells.
Heart of an anemic person overwork to supply the sufficient amount of oxygen to different tissues because blood of anaemic person is not able to carry oxygen efficiently.
Very less physical exercise exhausts the person because the red blood cells are not able to supply sufficient amounts of oxygen even after doing their 100% because inefficiency in oxygen carry capacity. It is most commonly observed in females, especially the female whose menstrual cycle is active and the woman who is pregnant.
Our bone marrow produces red blood cells and every red blood cell in our blood dies after 120 days. So everyday millions of red blood cells replace the old red blood cells in our blood but to form haemoglobin some vitamin and iron is required.
So our diet needs proper supply of iron and vitamin which is required for haemoglobin formation but if our diet deficient in iron and other required vitamins then sufficient amounts of hemoglobin are not formed.
When our diet lacks proper amounts of iron then its deficiency is filled by various iron reservoirs like liver but it is limited after that our body faces serious iron deficiency and most of the time it causes anaemia.
Causes of Anaemia:
There may be various reasons for anaemia it not only caused by deficiency in iron or vitamin or reduced number of red blood cells or defective red blood cells.
Deficiency in Diet:
If our diet does not have sufficient amounts of folic acid or vitamin B12, iron then hemoglobin formation does not occur at sufficient amounts which may cause anaemia.
Congenital Disorders:
Different congenital genetic disorders which may cause defective red blood cells like thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia create a situation in which red blood cells are unable to supply oxygen efficiently.
When our Intestine is unable to absorb different nutrients efficiently due to various reasons like any coeliac disease may cause anaemia.
Autoimmune Disorders:
In some autoimmune disorders our immunity system recognises our red blood cells as our enemy and destroys them which reduces the number of red blood cells in our blood.
Chronic Disease:
Some chronic diseases are also responsible for causing anaemia like tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes ecetara.
Some medications like antiinflammatory medicine, anticoagulants and some antibiotics cause anaemia in some special cases.
Some infectious diseases like malaria, septicemia destroy the red blood cells in large numbers which may be a reason for anaemia in some people.

Blood Loss in Large Amount:
If a large amount of blood loss occurs in a short span of time then it may cause anaemia like in case of trauma, heavy menstruation, frequent blood donation, surgery.
Symptoms of Anaemia:
Once again we are giving advice to take consultation with your doctor before you decide that anyone suffers from Anaemia based on the symptoms we are talking about – fatigue, weakness, breathlessness, always tired feeling, loss of appetite, pale skin.
Reference: Cause and Symptoms of Anaemia
Read More: Causes and Symptoms of Amoebiasis

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