Hi, as we know, like other endocrine glands secretion, adrenal glands secretion also has an optimum level in blood. When this level in blood becomes very more or very less it creates some disorders in our body. Before we move forward we should know about adrenal insufficiency.
Table of Contents
What is Adrenal Insufficiency:
When our adrenal glands fail to produce sufficient amounts of cortisol and aldosterone then the condition is called adrenal insufficiency. When adrenal insufficiency lasts for a very long time we suffer from different types of disorders.
For example one adrenal hormone cortisol is secreted in insufficient quantity for a long time causing weight loss, loss of appetite, depression, chronic exhaustion. If we neglect these symptoms for long there would be a time when a major disorder will appear.

So if we notice these symptoms we should consult an endocrinologist for further investigation. And if aldosterone remains below normal levels in our blood for long then we can suffer from low blood pressure, low energy levels, hair loss in public areas and underarm areas.
So I should not avoid these symptoms. We should consult an endocrinologist as soon as possible because they can create mess if prolonged.
It is not observed most frequently two to three persons suffer from adrenal Insufficiency among a million people. But there are no restrictions for this disorder; it can occur in any age group in both males and females with equal probability.
Major Causes of Adrenal Insufficiency:
Now we will talk about the major reason why adrenal Insufficiency occurs. Due to many reasons adrenal insufficiency can occur but the most frequent reason is autoimmune adrenalitis.
Now what is autoimmune adrenalitis is an autoimmune condition where the adrenal cortex destruct. Due to destruction of adrenal cortex secretion of glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid and adrenal androgen hormone become very poor.
Adrenal insufficiency may be categorised into different types- primary, secondary or tertiary depending upon the causes. It is not very why our immunity system makes these mistakes and does not recognise our own adrenal tissues. Autoimmune conditions in the adrenal cortex is a matter for research.

What are the Symptoms of Adrenal Insufficiency:
Adrenal Insufficiency or Addison’s disease do not show its symptoms from the early stages they grow very slowly. However when it shows its symptoms we should recognise them so we will now discuss them below.
Joint become painful, abnormal weight loss, not reasonable fatigue, muscle weakness, blood pressure become very low, deficiency in skin pigmentation, feeling of irritation every time, low blood sugar, depression, dehydration, lethargy, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, always interested in salty foods, nausea, diarrhoea and gastrointestinal problems are the major symptoms for Adrenal Insufficiency.
How to Diagnose Adrenal Insufficiency:
In most of the case it becomes undiagnosed because they do not show any symptoms in early stages. But different types of biochemical tests and physical tests can predict the possibility of adrenal Insufficiency.
If you consult an endocrinologist a test for sodium, potassium and other hormone levels can diagnose it. Cortisol levels in blood also tells us a lot about the condition of adrenal glands secretion in our body.
Tests for blood glucose levels for confirmation of hypoglycemia also may be used for investing adrenal Insufficiency. Different types of physical tests like observing the skin colour, investigating the family history for autoimmune disorders can give some ideas about it.
Different types of imagine tests like CT scan, MRI also give ideas about the condition of adrenal Insufficiency.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What are the Major Functions of Adrenal Glands ?
Adrenal glands perform some major function in our body, mineral ion balance, glucose metabolism during stress conditions, blood pressure regulation, stress management.
2. What are Endocrine Glands?
Endocrine glands are a part of our body coordination system which works through blood flow. They are not produced in ductless glands and directly mix in blood and reach to different tissues cells to perform their actions.

3. Why are Pituitary Gland are Known as Master Glands?
Most of the endocrine glands secretion are regulated by the pituitary gland in our endocrine system. The other endocrine glands take instructions from pituitary gland and increase their functionality or decrease their functionality.
Resource: Adrenal Insufficiency

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