Dam and Its Alternative – Imaluop

Hi, we are going to an ecological resources dam and its alternative and other aspects of dams. We all know that dams are very important resources which give us different benefits like economic benefits and ecological benefits. All of us know about the basic idea about dams but yet we will discuss what is dam. 

What is Dam ? 

In short, dams are a storing system for large amounts of water for future use. It is used for storage of excess water which occurs during rain to check the flood and supply water during requirement.

During the rainy season water fills the river which do not accommodate in limited space in the river so it floods on two sides of the river. To check this dams are built to store that seasonal extra water when water shortage occurs the stored water can be used.

The stored water can be controlled via the sluice gate when the amount of water becomes over the capacity of the dam to prevent the damage of the dam.

When required sluice gates open and the water are supplied for agricultural irrigation, household use and other recreational purposes.  

Water stored in dams stores potential energy which is converted during production of hydroelectric power. A lot of electricity is obtained from the flowing water when the sluice gate of the dam is opened because the flow of the water in the dam is very powerful.

A dam is designed in such a manner so that it can be used for various purposes because it needs a lot of money to build a dam so it should be utilised efficiently. But it needs to be performed well several years then only building a dam becomes profitable because dams need a lot of resources for its maintenance.

But it changes the ecosystem of the river however it can be accepted because there are lots of benefits of a dam. If dams are not observed properly and any crack on it is not repaired without any delay during the rainy season it can cause sudden flood. From this point of thought we should find an alternative for dams. 

Best Alternative of Dam: 

Before we start to find the alternative of a dam we have to understand the major reason and demand of a dam. Then it will be very easy for us to find the best alternative to the dam. Water from treatment of sewage, grey water can be used for some cases like toilet water flush, agriculture, industrial water requirements.

Dam and Its Alternative
Dam and Its Alternative

If the excess water during the rainy season can be reloaded to underground then it would be great. Instead of creating a new dam we should focus on old dams and reuse them after proper treatment which would be a great option.

It would give the benefits of dams like flood prevention and other uses but we can save energy, time, money and the environment ecosystem by opting this option. Before building a new dam it should be observed carefully how much impact it will give on the river ecosystem. 

Dams were used previously much a long time ago for example, most oldest dam in the world is Jawa dam at the time fourth millennium before christ and it is present in Jordan. But the most primitive operational dam is present in Syria and its name is Lake Homs dam.

Dams are convenient in all other countries of the world and if we arrange the countries according to the largest dam then first is China, second is the US and there is India. As it can be very profitable if the dam can be maintained to be operational for a long time, so all the countries are aware about the building the dam. 

Reference: Dam and Its Alternative

Read More: What are the Advantages of Dams

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