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What is the lifespan of an organism?
Hi, I will discuss today What is the lifespan of an organism in this post. Before we can discuss more I would like to give you some examples. You have noticed that some people are older than 100 years. I am introducing you to a man who died at the age of 122, Jeanne Calment. But we are generally not familiar with that age group. Because very few people live more than 100 years.

So we can not say any fixed age about how long a human being can live. But we can make an average. And this average is still not the same for all geographical areas. In some geographical areas, humans are more alive. In some geographical areas, humans live less time. Even in the same geographical area, all tribes do have not the same time of living.

Now we can easily discuss lifespan. The short life span of an organism is the time interval between birth and natural death. It is different from species to species. Now, what is natural death? It means simply death which is natural. Suppose a person dies at the age of 50 years by an accident. Here death is not natural.

So we can not say the life span of human beings is 50 years. In the case of human beings, it is different in different geographical areas. It implies in the case of other organisms as well as in the case of human beings the meaning of life span is the same. So the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds at which you are alive is your life span.

For example, the life span of elephants is 70 years. The lifespan is 20 years. The lifespan of a butterfly is 1 to 2 weeks. The lifespan of a crow is 15 years. The lifespan of a banana tree is 25 years. The lifespan of a cow is 18 years. The lifespan of a parrot is 140 years. The lifespan of a cat is 2 to 16 years, variety to variety.
Reference: What is the lifespan of an organism
What are Marine Animals with the Largest Lifespan?
Ocean Quahogs is an ocean calm famous for their flesh and also famous for their long lifespan. They live more than 500 years and scientists got evidence from Iceland of a specimen that was 507 years old. There are very less records of such animals which have more than 400 years of lifespan in the marine ecosystem.
What is the Longest Living Vertebrate?
Greenland Shark is considered the longest living vertebrate and it has a record lifespan from 300 to 500 years. And they spend a long time before they reach sexual maturity, the young Greenland Shark reaches sexual maturity at the age of 100 to 150 years.
Which Country Has Highest Life Expectancy in 2022?
According to the latest survey, Hong Kong is top in the list of highest life expectancy, in the year 2022. Hong Kong has a record average life expectancy of 85.29 years for both males and females. But females have more life expectancy than males, in Hong Kong, a female show 88.17 years of life expectancy, and males have a life expectancy of 82.38 years.
Which Country Have Lowest Life Expectancy in 2022?
In the year 2022 if we look at all recognized and standard survey reports then it will tell us that the Central African Republic is the region with the lowest life expectancy. In the Central African Republic, people have only 54.36 years of life expectancy, males in the Central African Republic have only 56.58 years of life expectancy and males have only 52.16 years.
What is the Simple Definition of the Term Lifespan?
The term lifespan is used for the time span between the birth and natural death of an organism. After the birth of an organism moves toward death and finally, the organism dies, sometimes the death occurs suddenly or accidentally. But if the organism dies accidentally we can not take the timespan as lifespan, only take the time span between birth and natural death.
Why does Organism in Different Geographical regions vary in Their Lifespan?
Lifespan is dependent upon different parameters, environmental factors also have a great role to determine the lifespan of an organism. The environmental factors are not similar in different geographical regions, country to country, continent to continent the environmental factors show very many variations. Due to the great variation of environmental factors lifespan also varies to a great extent if different geographical areas.
What are the Major Factors Which Determine the Lifespan of an Organism?
The lifespan of an organism depends upon different factors, like body size, environmental factors, especially temperature affect the lifespan of an organism greatly. On average the organism with larger body size have more lifespan as compared to the smaller organisms but it is not true always. Lower temperatures generally show a higher lifespan as compared to the organisms of the warmer region, for this reason, organisms show great variation in lifespan in different geographical regions.
Name the Organism Which is Known for the Largest Lifespan?
Around 2006 a team of scientists find the oldest organism on our earth in the cast of Iceland and it was 507 years old. It is a Quahog Clam and it is considered the oldest organism with the largest lifespan.
Which Plant has The Highest Lifespan?
In California, Western United States a species of Pine tree has the record of highest lifespan, it was found that the species of Pine have a lifespan of around 5000 years. The name of the Pine species is Pinus longaeva and is commonly known as Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, this plant is considered a non-clonal organism on the earth with the longest lifespan.
What is The Maximum Theoretical Value of Human Lifespan?
In a Mathemathetical calculation by Celeb Finch and Malcolm Pike, It comes out that the maximum theoretical value of human lifespan is 120 years. In Los Angles at the University of South California, those two mathematicians used Gompertz Model to estimate the maximum theoretical lifespan of human beings.

Hi Everyone!!! Welcome to Imaluop. Imaluop always try to learn some new and he want to share to other people. Here we will try to learn various topics on Science, specially on Biological Sciences.