What are the Symptoms of Acidity – Imaluop

Hi now we will try to understand what are the symptoms of acidity and all other aspects of this disorder. Some people like to call it acid reflux. It is a very common disorder in our digestive system, especially more common if food habits are not correct. Suppose today you have enjoyed with your friends and taken your dinner outside.

As you meet with your friends after a long time you did not give special attention to the food. Suppose you and your friends enjoyed the food and the food was delicious but it was spicy. Now when you come home you are feeling a burning sensation in your throat region. Now what may be the reason for this burning sensation.

What are the Symptoms of Acidity
What are the Symptoms of Acidity

It is actually stomach wall secret hydrochloric acid for creating acidic medium in your stomach due to digestive reactions. But when the acid flows inside the food pipe then a burning sensation occurs. You can feel the burning sensation in the lower chest area also. Not only do bad food habits of our lifestyle become unhealthy then also these symptoms may appear. 

What are the Major Symptoms of Acidity:

Now we go through the all possible symptoms which indicates that your stomach working unnecessarily

Sudden burning sensation in the lower chest area but it is not your heart problems. You feel uncomfortable like nausea, excess vomiting, burning sensation in your throat and stomach. For a few days you observe that digestion is not occurring properly and suffer from constipation. Your mouth tastes sour all time but you did not take any sour food. 

Sometimes it may cause bad breath, feeling difficulty in swallowing food, severe pain in the abdomen. 

What are the Main Causes of Acidity:

Now we have to understand what are the main reasons for which gastric acid starts to flow inside the food pipe. If we are able to know the exact reason for this hyperacidity then it would be easy for us to prevent it.

What are the Symptoms of Acidity
What are the Symptoms of Acidity

In our digestive system different types of biochemical break down and all the reactions are not possible in all mediums. Some reactions easily occur in neutral medium where some reactions only occur in basic medium and some others biomolecules only break down if acidic medium present.

Our stomach secrete hydrochloric acid to produce acidic medium for such chemical reactions. This acid not only creates an acidic medium in our digestive tract sometimes it helps to kill the pathogen we take through our foods. But sometimes this mechanism works more than our requirements and the acid then starts to flow through our food pipe. 

When we take too much stress in our life and the stress continues for a long time our digestive system also affects it and it may cause this condition. 

Sometimes obesity may be a reason for creating such conditions so we should also maintain our body weight in scientific ways. 

If we do not keep ourselves active then this condition may occur so we should keep ourselves active to prevent acidity. If you keep yourself active there are many benefits which you will get. 

What we do in everyday life, our body also makes a habit of it. If you take your food in an irregular manner then your stomach can behave abnormally and you can face hyperacidity.

If your food contains a lot of oils and spices then it is not the right thing for your stomach. 

What are the Symptoms of Acidity
What are the Symptoms of Acidity

Some medicine also increases the secretion of acid from gastric gland but it is not a major issue because it is temporary and if you do take the medicine according to your doctor’s advice then you do not have to think about it very much. 

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Reference: What are the Symptoms of Acidity

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