Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma- Imaluop

Hi now we will try to understand all the major symptoms and causes of acoustic neuroma. Can you remember what is our eighth cranial nerve it is vestibular nerve. This nerve help us in hearing and balancing our body.

Vestibular nerve collect sound information and equilibrium information for body balancing from inner ear and transmit the information to brain. So for hearing and keep balance of our body vestibular nerve is very important. Sometimes a non cancerous tumor may develop in the vestibular nerve which is not life threatening in the initial stage.

But if its size increase and it starts to push the other brain tissue then it is dangerous for us. This condition is known as Acoustic Neuroma and the tumor surround the vestibular nerve like a Schwann cells so we can it call as vestibular schwannoma. With time it starts to interfere on the function of the vestibular nerve, hearing and balancing our body.

Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma
Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma

All persons of any age male, female both have the chance for this condition but one person in every 100000 people suffer from Acoustic Neuroma. Though it may be diagnosed in any age but it has observed that acoustic neuroma is most common in the age range 40 to 50.

In most of the cases it becomes undiagnosed because of its small size but when it starts to interfere other brain tissue it may be noticed and diagnosed. Acoustic neuroma is not fast growing tumor it grows very slowly but when it becomes large in size should be treated fast otherwise it can be life threatening. 

Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma:

Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma:

Now we will notice all the major symptoms of acoustic neuroma. Symptoms vary with time and size of the tumor but we would know about general symptoms.

Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma
Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma

One of the major symptoms of acoustic neuroma is feeling of earache. Patients can feel dizziness without any proper reason. 

The patient suffering from acoustic neuroma sometimes vomits even if there is no reason. But these symptoms are confusing and do not give proper indication of acoustic neuroma because sometimes we suffer from vomiting due to various reasons. 

Patients suffering from this condition may suffer from headaches but again only headaches do not give any ideas. All of us know that headache is the result of many causes which can not strongly indicate acoustic neuroma.

When the tumor on the vestibular nerve starts to press on other regions of the brain it may cause abnormal function in other regions of the brain. Vision problems may start with time when it affects vision related tissues of the brain.

Facial numbness also may appear in some cases which may be a strong indication of having acoustic neuroma.

As all of us know that one major function of the vestibular nerve is maintaining body equilibrium, as a result of the tumor on this nerve can create problems in body balancing. Patients who have acoustic neuroma may suffer from unsteadiness, and may lose the balance of the body. It may be a very strong indication of having acoustic neuroma.

When the acoustic neuroma patients in advance stage then body coordination power can be effected the patient faces difficulty in proper body movements.

Sometimes it can cause loss of sensation in one side of face but it does not appear during the initial stage.

If it reaches a very advanced stage then acoustic neuroma can cause loss of hearing power in one ear or ringing sensation in one ear.

Major Causes of Acoustic Neuroma: 

Now we have to understand what are the major causes which leads to acoustic neuroma. We know that Schwann cells surround the nerve cells now imagine if the Schwann cells start to grow to cover the nerve cells then what happens.

In our 22 no chromosome there is a gene which produces a tumor suppressor protein which helps to control the growth of Schwann cells. But if the gene becomes non functional then it may cause acoustic neuroma in our vestibular nerve.

Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma
Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma

There are no specific reasons why it occurs but some factors can increase the chances of having acoustic neuroma. If any person is present in noisy surroundings for a long time, if a person belongs from acoustic neuroma in family history there is a high chance of having acoustic neuroma.

Reference: Symptoms and Causes of Acoustic Neuroma

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