Major Changes During Adolescence – Imaluop

Hi, now we will discuss biological knowledge through which all of us go through in our life. Some major changes during adolescence in our life. Some people do not understand what is happening with them during this time. But who are aware about this biological process they do not worry about it.

There is a time when a lot of changes appear in both males and females in their body structure and some physiology. This change is not only limited to physical level but it also appears in social life. 

Most of the time use puberty and adolescence in similar sense but in actual there are some differences between them. Puberty used for physical changes occurs during a time period which makes a person mature for reproduction.

But adolescence used for the physiological and social changes occur during puberty in all people. We can say adolescence is the result of puberty and these changes sometimes differ slightly person to person. Now we will learn more about adolescence below. 

Major Changes During Adolescence
Major Changes During Adolescence

What is Adolescence And its Effect: 

In our body development occurs throughout whole life but not at same rate throughout the life. Sometimes it’s rate is very high sometimes it occurs very slowly during adolescence development occurs at a very fast rate.

Primary sexual character are present in all persons from their birth but secondary sexual character start to appear during the period of puberty. To make the boy and girl active for reproduction development occurs at fast rate. 

What Secondary Characters Appears During Adolescence: 

During puberty our gonads become functional and start to secrete different types of hormones. Change in the level of different hormones results in the changes during adolescence.

These changes do not occur at the same rate in all genders. In females these changes appeared at a faster rate than in case of males. Some changes occur in both males and females but some characteristics are only observed in males or in females. Because hormone type and level are different in males and females.

For example, the pattern of pubic hair growth is not the same in males and females. Facial hair growth also does not grow in the same manner in males and females. 

Hair Growth: During puberty hair grows at a fast rate in the armpit and pubic area. 

Secretion of Sweat Gland: During adolescence sweat glands become very active so a lot of perspiration occurs during adolescence. 

Activity of Sebaceous Glands: During adolescence Sebaceous glands start to secrete more sebum which cause acne in adolescents. 

Sudden Change in Height: During adolescence secretion of growth hormone increases and bone grows at a faster rate which increases the overall height in both males and females. 

Changes in Males During Adolescence: 

Wide Shoulder: During adolescence shoulders become wider than that of the female shoulder. 

Major Changes During Adolescence
Major Changes During Adolescence

Muscular Body: Like other parts of the body muscle also grow considerably in males during adolescence which gives them a muscular body structure. 

Narrow Waist: Their girdle region is much narrower than the girdle of females. 

Change in Voice: Voice box enlarge and Adam’s apple enlarge make their voice heavy with low pitch. 

Sperm Production: Testis in males becomes functional and they start to produce sperm which is necessary for reproduction. 

Changes in Females During Adolescence: 

Broad Waist: Their girdle regions are rounded and broader than males. 

Breast Formation: Their mammary glands become larger and breast areas are formed. 

Ovulation: Their ovaries matured and started to produce ovum and release them regularly. 

Menstruation: During puberty most important changes occur in females is the start of menstrual cycle or menarche. Periodical hormonal changes cause menstrual cycle and periodical change in their birth canal. 

Major Changes During Adolescence
Major Changes During Adolescence

During puberty in males testosterone production increases which results male secondary characters and in females oestrogen surge causes female second character development. 

Resource: Major Changes During Adolescence

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