Now we are going to discuss different types of biomes in our earth and their detailed information along with basic ideas of biomes.
Table of Contents
What is Biomes:
In our earth, if we notice, we will find that a great diversity is present in different organisms on earth and their distribution on earth is also diverse. Different types of ecosystems are also present in our earth and they show very much variation from place to place on our earth which makes them separate from each other.
But if we try to imagine them in large groups depending upon their habitat then we will find that there are large geographical regions and large ecosystems which can be differentiated based upon some factors.
Climatic conditions are also not same all over the world and the distribution of organisms also depends upon the climatic conditions so if we divide the earth into some regions according to the climatic conditions then we will find some large community or ecosystem.
If we divide the earth into some regions on the basis of climatic conditions then we will find some large ecosystems which will help organisms adapt for specific climatic conditions and the group of organisms on the earth according to different climatic regions is called a biome.
Animals and plants of a biome show almost similar lifestyle and adaptation because in a biome different environmental factors like temperature, water availability, weather are almost similar so the organisms present in a biome show similarities in different aspects.
Frederic Edward Clements first used the term biome for a biotic community in a specific climatic region of the earth who are adapted for similar climatic conditions.
Different Types of Biomes on our Earth:
Biomes can be of different types on the basis of different parameters like the biotic community in desert regions produce a desert biome, polar regions consist of polar biome and so on.
We can separate different biomes even on the basis of some special area like zoos, wildlife sanctuaries because they are also a region where a special condition is present for the organism.
Due to similar lifestyle and adaptation organisms can be differentiated into several biomes so there are no fixed number of biomes on the earth, we can make different types of biomes for the similarities in different organisms for their similar adaptation in similar situations.
Aquatic Biomes:
Most portion of the earth is covered by water which is around 70 to 80 percent of the total earth surface so a very large number of plants and animals live in aquatic environments and biotic communities present in aquatic environments produce aquatic biomes which are very large biomes on the earth.
Diversity in aquatic biomes is very large because life originated first in water so in aquatic biomes a very large number of aquatic plants and animals species live which is much more than land which makes the aquatic biomes the largest and widest biomes on the earth.
Aquatic biomes are very important because most of the oxygen in air is the result of photosynthesis by the plants present in aquatic biomes and depending upon the nature of aquatic environment aquatic biomes are two types – marine biomes and freshwater biomes.
Terrestrial Biomes:
In land weather conditions vary in different regions of earth and according to the climatic conditions plants also show great variation in their distribution on the earth. Most of the animals depend directly or indirectly on the plants so due to variation of plants in different regions of earth animals also vary according to the climatic conditions.

For this reason different plants and animals are dominant in different climatic conditions which makes our earth divided into some biomes based on climatic conditions like desert biomes, tundra biomes, savanna biomes, mountain biomes, grassland biomes, polar biomes, rainforest biomes, temperate biomes, taiga biomes and other terrestrial biomes.
Read More: Different Zones of Biosphere Reserve

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