Different Types of Animal Husbandry – Imaluop

Hi, we are going to discuss different types of animal husbandry and their advantages for human welfare. It will show you how animal husbandry and their products impact in human society. 

What is Animal Husbandry: 

 Animal husbandry is a type of cultivation in which we rear different animals for different types of material used for human daily life for example milk, eggs, meat, wool and other materials. Animal husbandry also involves practice of improvement in genetic quality by selective breeding to increase the production for more and more profit.  

Animal products are rich in high nutrients so demand for different animal products is very high and to supply animal products for a growing population we should perform animal husbandry in scientific ways.

Cow, buffaloes, goat are familiar for producing milk which is rich in protein and they are known as milch animals for their milk production capacity. Hen, duck and other egg producing animals are reared due to their eggs which have great nutritional value and animals like goat, hen, duck are reared due to their protein rich meat.  

Finally we can say that animal husbandry is a large scale business for meeting the food and other requirements of growing the population in a scientific way for profit.  

Different Types of Animal Husbandry: 

Different animals can be used for human welfare for their various products and they are different types depending on the product they produced. 

Dairy Farming: 

It is a type of animal husbandry in which different milch animals like cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep are maintained in large scale for producing various dairy products like milk, curd, cheese, butter, yoghurt, cream.  

Poultry Farming: 

It is a type of animal husbandry in which different poultry birds like duck, hen, turkey, pigeon are reared for production of eggs and meat commercially to meet the demand of food for our growing population.

Eggs and meat are great sources of protein and other vitamins but poultry animals need special care against different infectious diseases which can also infect human beings.  

Fish Farming: 

Fish farming or pisciculture is cultivation of fishes like salmon, cod, catfish for checking the load on foods for a large human population. Fish farming can perform in different closed water bodies like tank, ponds with the help of natural producers as the source of food or external food supplements. 

Bee Farming: 

Bee farming or apiculture is scientific culture of bee for honey, wax, flower pollination in the human made artificial hive in apiary in large scale commercially. 

Role of Animal Husbandry in Human Welfare: 

We are already aware of the benefits of different animal products and the importance of animal husbandry but we will discuss the role of animal husbandry in human welfare in more detail. 

Dairy Products: 

Dairy products have high demand all over the world especially for those who prefer to take vegetarian food, milk, yoghurt, curd, cheese, cream are the most popular dairy products which we get from different milch animals. 

Source of Animal Protein: 

Different animal products like meat, chicken, eggs are rich in protein which we get from different eggs producing poultry birds like duck, hen and different meat producing animals like goat, sheep, hen. 


We can get fibres commercially from different animals like sheep rearing for wool, feather of different birds and we also get leather from different animals which can be used in the leather industry for making various daily used materials. 


Residue of Animal Husbandry can be used as manure in agriculture like bone, blood and excreta of different animals for increasing fertility of the soil. 

Different Types of Animal Husbandry
Different Types of Animal Husbandry

Advantages of Animal Husbandry: 

  • There are many positive reasons for managing different animals which we will discuss below one by one. 
  • As animal husbandry is a business model for human welfare so it has a great opportunity of employment in large amounts which gives opportunity for work for the farmers to provide better living standards for their family. 
  • It is not beneficial for human society but it gives food, shelter and special care for the animals of economic importance. 
  • Animal husbandry is beneficial for reusing different animal waste for better environment and economy along with genetic quality of the animal improving with time for high yield which is beneficial to meet demand of our growing population. 

Reference: Different Types of Animal Husbandry  

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