Different Stages in Central Dogma – Imaluop

Now we are going to a special event in genetics, central dogma, a process through which our body cell expresses its genetic material through transcription, translation and different stages in central dogma

What is Central Dogma: 

It is the flow of information from DNA to RNA, RNA to protein, our cell and its genetic material express through the production of protein and this process is known as central dogma and central dogma determines behaviour of a cell, the product of the cell also dependent on central dogma.  

Code for different chemicals present in the DNA but without its expression it is not possible to do any function for a cell and every chemical is coded by a portion of DNA and when the portion of DNA decide to express then the chemical is produced and before the production of that particular chemicals gene have to make its template and mRNA act as template.

The DNA make its template by a biochemical processes know as transcription and the mRNA then reach to ribosome and the ribosome produce protein by the process of translation when different amino acids join in a specific sequence to make a polypeptide chain then the polypeptide chain form protein which is the final expression of a cell.  

So we can say that in central dogma the nucleus give command and the code for command present in the DNA and the code is copied by the process transcription where the code in DNA is transferred into the mRNA and the mRNA act as a messenger who carry the information upto ribosome and ribosome read the instructions from the mRNA and ribosome act as protein factory and the protein is the way of expression in central dogma.

Now the protein produced in those processes can act as a structural protein, can be an enzyme or may be immunoglobulin depending upon which type of protein is required at a particular time.  

Different Stages in Central Dogma: 


It is the first step in expression of a gene when a part of DNA is decided to express and then the DNA strand is used as a template and the DNA strand have three portion promoter, structural gene and terminator and an DNA dependant enzymes RNA polymerase perform the transcription process where RNA is synthesized by using the DNA template. 

The RNA polymerase enzymes bind at promoter region of the template DNA strand then it process the transcription and then finally reach at terminator and the RNA produced during this process is modified by different post transcription process and the functional mRNA is produced which then act as a messenger for the code of DNA. 


Now the mRNA is present in cell cytoplasm and ready for translation in which the mRNA instructions are read by the ribosome and according to the codon present in mRNA the translation occurs and forms the protein or polypeptide chain but it needs a large amount of energy.

The energy required during the process of translation is provided by the tRNA present in the smaller subunit of ribosome and in each small subunit of ribosome two tRNA is present which are sufficient to provide the energy required during the process of translation. 

Different Stages in Central Dogma
Different Stages in Central Dogma

The mRNA enter in the smaller subunit of ribosome and the tRNA present in the ribosomal small subunit attached to the mRNA and arrange different amino acids in correct sequence and the sequence is determined by the codon present on the mRNA because each codon on the mRNA is responsible for a specific amino acids and a specific combination of amino acids form a specific protein. 

Read More: Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids

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