Now we will discuss different types of crop protection method because to meet the great demand of food, trying to produce high yielding crops is not only sufficient, we also have to focus on crop protection because if crops damage in large amounts then there is no benefit of cultivation of high yielding crops.
Table of Contents
What is Crop Protection:
There are many factors which damage crops like pests, plant disease, weed and we have to take different preventive measures to protect the crops against their enemy.
Different plant pests can damage large amounts of crops in a short span of time, some serious plant diseases can cause destruction of the whole crop field and if we are not able to prevent the damaging factors then it can cause food crises and cause great economic loss for agriculture.
Different Crop Protection Method:
Weed Management:
In the crop field along with the main crop different unwanted weeds also grow using the resources from the crop field like sunlight, nutrients, water and it causes deficiency in different resources for the main crop so the growth of the main crop is compromised. So before planting the seed we should remove all unwanted weed and at regular intervals weed should be removed and the removal of weed is known as weeding.
There are different methods for weeding, we can manually remove the weed or we can use mechanical systems to remove them or we can use different types of chemical herbicides to control the weed in the crop field.
Pest Management:
Different types of insects and some other animals like rats cause great damage to crop fields and to prevent their damage we have to understand their behaviour and we should use different methods to control them.
We can use different types of chemical pesticides to prevent the damage in the field but sometimes the chemical pesticides can cause damage to our environment because some chemical pesticides persist for a long time in the field and mix with nearby water bodies and air to cause pollution so now modern agriculture we have found different biological controls to prevent them.
We find different natural enemies for the pest and engage them against the pest which controls the pest but does not damage the crops, the microorganisms present in soil but in some cases the biological control does not give very good results so now it is not possible to replace the chemical herbicides with biological control completely.
Plant Disease Management:
Different pathogens which cause serious disease in crop plants should be controlled as soon as possible because sometimes those diseases spread field after field in a short span of time but diagnosis and prevention at the right time can save the large amount of crops.
For this we should select disease resistant crop varieties because right selection of crop varieties can save us from major serious disease but yet some disease cause great damage in crop, specially the fungal diseases spread at high speed which can cause damage of crop at large scale and we can prevent them if we can identify the diseased plant and remove them from field and destroy as soon as possible and we should take proper medication.

Crop Protection During Storage:
Crops are not only damaged in the field, after cultivation in storage stage large amounts of crops may be damaged due to activities of different pests like insects and rats. Sometimes the damage may occur in such an amount that the farmers face a great economical crisis due to damage of stored crop at large scale so we have to take care of the crop in storage also.
To prevent the crop we have to store them in a place where sufficient air, light is available and we should control the humidity and temperature of the storage place to keep the crop safe from different damaging factors like fungus.
Read More: Agricultural Process Step by Step

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