Cell Cycle and Cell Division in Organism – Imaluop

Hi, now we are going to discuss cell cycle and cell division which will give you ideas about how cells multiply in an organism which is very essential for production of gametes and growth in different organisms. 

Basic Idea About Cell Cycle: 

Cell division is a special event in living systems in which cells give rise to new individual cells when the cell is unable to control the whole cells and it is important for continuity of life on earth.

In cell different cell organelles perform different functions and the functionality of a cell is controlled by the nucleus and the nucleus command for cell division when the nucleus become unable to control the all cell organelles of a cell but before division cell go through different processes to get ready for cell division, when everything required for cell division is ready only then the cell division start. 

In unicellular organism only a single cell perform all the function of an organism and the cell division is work as a mode of reproduction in such organisms but in multicellular organisms cell division perform gametes formation, growth, immunity, circulatory system cells, memory cells, sensory structure and many other functions.  

Scientists when observing the cleavage in frog zygote they find that cell division occurs in the parent cell through some special series of biological events in a sequence to make the cell ready for division and the process during division of a cell is known as cell cycle. 

Different Phases of Cell Cycle: 

Before a cell starts to divide itself various biological events occur in the cell and it continues upto the end of cell division and it again starts when a cell enters into its division phase and we will discuss all the stages in cell cycle one by one. 

During cell division genetic material first makes its copy by the method of replication and then the cytoplasm divides to make the parent cell into two daughter cells and time required for this whole process is not same in all individuals, it varies species to species. 


It takes most of the time required for complete cell division because during this stage cell become ready for cell division and for it cell duplicate its necessary cell organelles and genetic material so that after division each daughter cell get all major cell organelles and genetic information equally because due to sustain life each cell must need some cell organelles and this phase consume more than 95% time of total cell cycle, it has three phases – G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase. 

G1 Phase or Gap 1: 

After cell division each daughter cell needs a copy of genetic material so the parents cell genetic material duplicates but for duplication some raw material is required and during G1 phase the cell growth occurs and the cell prepares for its DNA replication. 

S Phase: 

The S phase is for synthesis of genetic material and during this phase DNA duplication occurs by the process of DNA replication and after the synthesis phase the amount of DNA becomes double and it makes two copies of genetic material and during cell division each daughter cell owns each copy of genetic material. 

G2 Phase or Gap 2: 

Now cells have two copies of genetic material but the cell is not yet prepared to enter into the cell cycle because more biochemicals are required for cell division like RNA, some special protein, multiplication of cell organelles occurs during this phase. 

Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Mitotic or M Phase: 

It is the phase of a cell cycle when a cell finishes its preparation for cell division and actually starts to divide, it takes less than 5% of total time required for complete cell cycle and it occurs through four phases prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. 

Read More: Important Cell Organelles in a Living Cell

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