Causes of Noise Pollution – Imaluop

Hi, now we are going to discuss different possible causes of noise pollution and their effect on human beings along with prevention measures of noise pollution and we have already discussed air pollution, if you want to know about causes of air pollution you can study it. 

What is Noise Pollution: 

Sound in around us are various types some sounds seem very beautiful in our ear but after a certain intensity it becomes so louder that a portion of human population affect badly by sounds while some sounds is irritating for all of us.  

With the growth of population technology is also evolving at a very high rate but as a result sometimes it causes unwanted and unpleasant noise specially from different areas where people live together in large numbers and industries are established in large numbers.  

Source of unwanted and unpleasant noise may be man made or natural, upto 1DB sounds does not irritate the human ear very much but when it becomes 30DB then it starts to impact on our environment badly and 130DB sounds are very dangerous for our environment. 

Two Types of Noise Pollution: 

Natural Noise Pollution: 

Naturally so much noise arises, for example during the rainy season the sound of thunderstorms cause noise pollution, roar of different wild animals and mating call for looking partner for reproduction in different animals also cause noise so they are natural or environmental noise pollution. 

Man-made Noise Pollution: 

After origin of human species on earth every moment human beings are trying to improve their lifestyle and make their life easy by invention of different types of machinery but due to excessive use of machinery noise pollution become more prominent, for example large number of vehicles due to large human population cause heavy noise pollution, establishment of large number of factories, different sounds amplification system produce louder noise and all are examples of manmade noise pollution. 

Major Causes Noise Pollution: 

Noise From Industrial Area: 

Large companies have large numbers of factories for producing their products which need a large number of machinery for different purposes but they produce a lot of noise but to meet the demand of growing human population industrialization is also necessary.

Specially the grinding machine for making large raw material into small size particles, large fans used for exhaust and other machinery can perform large amounts of work very fast without very large man power but they produce some unpleasant noise which causes noise pollution in industrial areas.  

Construction Area: 

Due to the increased human population, demand for construction is also becoming higher day by day like apartments for human settlements, large dams to protect floods and utilities, water energy, large number of roads and bridges to make transportation easy and fast causing noise pollution. 

Social Events: 

To make different social events more joyful, sometimes we forget about the effect of the noise on the environment and our surroundings, some of our musical systems produce very loud sounds which cause noise pollution. 


Huge human population and their busy lifestyle demand for high speed transportation because they have to execute their daily activities as fast as possible so use of aeroplanes and trains increasing with time which cause noise pollution especially aeroplane produce very louder noise. 

Effect of Noise Pollution on Human and Environment: 

Noise Pollution Cause Different Types of Health Issues: 

In industrial areas loud sounds cause great psychological health issues because continuous louder noise disturbs the balance in our psychological health and the workers in those industries suffer from hearing problems or psychological problems if they do not take proper preventive measures. 

Causes of Noise Pollution
Causes of Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution Can Cause Cardiovascular Diseases: 

A Loud voice is responsible for high heart beat and it causes high blood pressure which affects your cardiovascular system badly and causes some serious issues in our cardiovascular system so noise pollution is very harmful for the person who already suffers from cardiovascular diseases. 

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