Biotechnology in Agriculture – Imaluop

Biotechnology is a great solution for most of the problems we face in our daily life and its application is increasing day by day. Many processes in various industries are not completely dependent on biotechnology and biotechnology makes many impossible situations possible. 

Now biotechnology is used almost in all industries because of its huge potential and its spectrum is continuously spreading in different industries like medicine, agriculture, genetic engineering, food processing almost in all industries, the knowledge of biotechnology is now used to improve the quality and production in all industries.  

Many biological problems which were previously impossible to solve now become possible only due to the development of biotechnology and its knowledge.

In the future the knowledge of biotechnology will be able to solve many problems which are impossible to solve in the present days and due to its high potential in future research is going on in different branches of biotechnology in different branches of science.  

Biotechnology also helps to perform different processes very fast which took a very long time previously but now they can be possible within a short span of time due to the vast application of biotechnology. Because different biological processes occur at a very fast rate and now we are going to apply biotechnology in agriculture. 

Biotechnology in Agriculture: 

Population is increasing at a very high rate but on the other hand the necessary requirements of the population like food are becoming limited day by day then it becomes impossible to meet the demand of the population with limited resources.

Due to increased population land for cultivation is also decreasing so only a limited amount of land is now left for cultivation but how it is possible to deliver a very large amount of food for a large population with the help of a very small amount of cultivation area.

It is now possible due to the great benefit of biotechnology and its use in agriculture so we are now able to cope with the growing population.  

Different techniques in agriculture like producing high yielding crops by selective breeding and other ways to produce very large amounts of crops in a very small amount of field. In previous times crops were prone to various infectious diseases which was able to damage the whole crops in a large cultivation area then the population often faced mass starvation due to lack of food.  

But now we do not waste our whole crops, just small infectious diseases because now we are able to produce disease resistant varieties which are not infected easily. In previous times very small floods or drought was able to destroy the whole crop field but now we have developed special varieties which can resist minor flood and drought and now we do not need to waste our hard work in cultivation and heavy economic loss.  

After the green revolution, due to the invention of different machines we were able to produce large amounts of crops in less time with less manpower but it was not sufficient because the population growth was at a very high rate so after sometime human population faced the food problem again.

But the application of biotechnology for producing the high yield crops helped a lot to meet the needs of our population.

Biotechnology in Agriculture
Biotechnology in Agriculture

One another problem in traditional cultivation is the use of chemical fertilizers, insecticide, pesticides and fungicide which was sufficient to cause the damage in our environment in different ways but different techniques of biotechnology help us to reduce the use of different harmful chemicals in agriculture.  

Now we have developed many techniques to control the harmful factors in agriculture like insects, pests, fungi with the help of biotechnology. 

Read More: Biotechnology and its Principles

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