Hi, today we will study about antidiuretic hormone general overview. In our hypothalamus antidiuretic hormone produced and secreted by neurohypophysis which is also known as vasopressin.
There are many functions of antidiuretic hormone but its major function is construction of blood vessels for this reason this hormone also known as vasopressin. Blood pressure has a great impact on our glomerular filtration rate so antidiuretic hormones also help us to maintain water balance in our body.
Now we will discuss antidiuretic hormone function, regulation process, disorders and optimum level in blood.

Table of Contents
What are the Major Functions of Antidiuretic Hormone:
Antidiuretic hormone acts on blood vessels in kidney and other body parts to control the blood pressure. During glomerular filtration a lot of water goes into glomerular filtrate but they return back to kidney again which saves the body from large amount of water loss through urination.
So we can say that antidiuretic hormone play an important role in keeping the fluid balance in our body. Antidiuretic hormone can sense body fluids amount and behaves according to the water availability in the body. Antidiuretic Hormone also responsible for maintaining circadian rhythm in our body.
It also maintain the homeostasis in our body through controlling its secretion. If antidiuretics are not able to constrict the blood vessels properly then blood pressure becomes very low and some function like glomerular filtration would be affected to a great extent.
How Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone is Regulated:
Antidiuretic hormone level in blood is regulated by some factors which decide when its secretion would be high and when its secretion would occur in less amount.

When blood pressure becomes low or blood volume becomes lower than normal then some receptors present in our large blood vessels and in the heart sense it. Then secretion of antidiuretic hormone increases to check the blood pressure and blood volume.
Now suppose different types of electrolyte such as sodium chloride level increase in blood then antidiuretic hormone levels change to maintain the osmolarity of the blood. Special nerve cells present in our hypothalamus can easily detect the electrolyte level in our blood.
Alcohol intake also controls the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Antidiuretic hormone secretion decreases which produces a lot of urine and creates dehydration in the body.
Optimum Level of Antidiuretic Hormone in Blood:
Very low level and very high level of antidiuretic hormone both are no good for our body so there should be an optimum level. Below this level or above this level both create some disorders.
Low Level of Antidiuretic Hormone:
If blood antidiuretic hormone levels become very low then water retention during glomerular filtration does not occur properly. As a result, the amount of urine increases the normal and this condition is known as diabetes insipidus. It results in primary polydipsia and due to much loss of water through urine blood pressure becomes very low.
High Level of Antidiuretic Hormone:
When levels of antidiuretic hormone become very high in blood different types of symptoms appear like nausea, vomiting, headache sometimes it causes coma or seizure if this condition continues for a long time.
In some cases different types of cancer developed like blood cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, lymphoma.

Abnormal Function of Antidiuretic Hormone and its disorders:
When antidiuretic hormones fail to work efficiently in our body different types of disorders start to appear which we will list now. Frequent urination, different types of genetic disorders, dehydration, head injuries, loss of sleep, sudden change in appetite, autoimmune disorders, tumor in hypothalamus or tumor in pituitary gland, sometimes puberty get delayed. Body temperature homeostasis not maintained fluctuations in body temperature.
Resource: Antidiuretic Hormone General Overview
Read More: A General Study About Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

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