Hi, today we are going to discuss a most frequently observed plant group, their characteristics features and examples, angiosperms definition and examples.
Table of Contents
Definition and Characteristics of Angiosperms:
It is a large groups of plants in which we have placed the flowering plants and it is a very important group of plant kingdom which shows a great diversity in our environment. In plant kingdom majority of the plants are angiosperms which occupy more than 80% in whole plant kingdom now at present time.
Due their high adaptation power angiosperms are observed in all types of environment from very cold polar regions to extreme warm desert and in deep sea. Seed in angiosperms remain in hiding state due to formation of fruit wall around the seed which covers the seed make them invisible directly.
Angiosperms show a large variation in their form some of them have strong woody stout trunk, some have very pliable stem as in herbs, some have moderate type of stems as in the case of shrubs.
They are flower bearing plant in which the flower function as reproductive organs and their male and female reproductive organs may present in same flowers or on different flowers – male flower and female flowers.
Male reproductive organs form pollen and female reproductive parts form ovule after fertilization from seed which is enclosed by the wall of fruits. Their seed may have one cotyledons or two cotyledons which makes divide the angiosperms into two different groups monocotyledons and dicotyledons.
Like gymnosperms cells and tissues are differentiated in angiosperms which makes the different cells and tissues to perform different types of function. They have advanced type of vascular tissue xylem and phloem for transportation of various necessary requirements for plant growth and development like water, mineral salts and food to all parts of the plant body.
Angiosperms show diversity in their form as well as in their height and they range from so tall upto 100 metres and very short like a few millimetres. Angiosperms also show a large variety in their lifespan and life cycle, some of them live more than hundreds of years and they are known as perennial while some of them finish their whole life cycle within a season like an annual plant.
They show clear phase in their life cycle vegetative state in which plant growth occurs toward reproductive maturity while in reproductive phase they produce flowers. They have true leaves with either reticulate venation or parallel venation, root either tap root system or fibrous root system, and branches grow horizontally or diagonally.
Examples of Angiosperms:
All the plants we can see in our surroundings most of them are examples of angiosperms however we will discuss some plants as examples of angiosperms.
Everyone is familiar with this plant and it is distributed in all parts of the world with more than 30000 species. It is the third largest plant family which is famous all over the world due to their special fragrance and different shades of colour.
They can be used for extraction of perfumes and used as different decorative purposes. We use them in gardens and multiplication is very easy in them by the process of stem grafting method.

Mustard is also a well known plant which grows more in temperate zones and they have a short growing season. Mustard plant flowers have great economic importance due to their nectar and their bright colours attract insects for insect pollination.
In most of the cases mustard plants are cultivated due to the economic importance of their seed which can be used to produce mustard oil which is used widely in cooking purposes and in traditional treatment of some diseases like arthritis.
Reference: Angiosperms Definition and Examples
Read More: Algae Characteristics and its Types

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