Hi, today we are going to discuss the anatomy of cockroaches which give us ideas about the general anatomy of different organ systems in animals. We will discuss various organs in cockroaches, their digestive system, respiratory system, nervous system, circulatory system and excretory system one by one.
Table of Contents
Digestive System of Cockroach:
Digestive systems of cockroaches start at mouth which lead to a long coiled alimentary canal divided into three parts foregut, midgut and hindgut. Foregut or stomodeum have five different parts – mouth cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, crops and gizzard.
Gizzard is a special structure in cockroaches which have six teeth-like structures internally made of cuticle which helps to crush the food inside an alimentary canal of cockroach. A valve called a stomodeal valve which is present in the way of the alimentary canal at the junction of foregut and midgut which controls the passage of food through the alimentary canal.
Midgut which is also known as ventriculus and mesenteron is a short tubular structure which has a glandular endoderm wall. At the junction of mesenteron and foregut there are eight blind sac tubular structures called as hepatic caeca which secrete digestive enzymes.
Next part of the alimentary canal is hindgut or proctodaeum which differentiated into three parts – ileum, colon and rectum. Rectum of cockroach processes a special structure of six rectal papillae which absorb salt and water to prevent water loss.
Cockroaches take all types of organic food so they are omnivorous and most of the digestion occurs in crops. Their saliva contains enzymes zymase and amylase and absorption of digested food occurs in midgut.
If you learn more details on the alimentary canal of cockroaches then it will give you a clear idea about the general anatomy of the digestive system in different animals.
Nervous System of Cockroach:
Nervous System of cockroaches is much advanced and it has three main parts – central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, visceral or sympathetic nervous system which we will discuss one by one.
Central Nervous System of Cockroach:
Brain and supra oesophageal ganglion are the main part of the central nervous system of cockroaches and the brain gives rise to two cord-like structure circumesophageal connectives which encircle the oesophagus.
Circumoesophageal connectives then go ahead downward and backward direction over the suboesophageal ganglion which is another ganglion present below the oesophagus. Suboesophageal ganglions go backwards and give rise to three ganglions in the thoracic region and six ganglions in the abdominal area.
Peripheral Nervous System of Cockroach:
Like other advanced animals cockroaches have peripheral nervous systems which give different branches to supply nervous control in different body parts and they originate from different nerve ganglions.
Visceral Nervous System or Sympathetic Nervous System:
In head region near the dorsal side oesophagus there are a nerve ganglion called frontal ganglion from which a unpaired recurrent nerve supply reach at the visceral ganglion which present on crop.
Some nerve branch out from the visceral ganglion and they form visceral nervous system. The frontal ganglion near the oesophagus joins the central nervous system through the nerve which connects the circum-oesophageal commissures.
Sensory Receptors in Cockroach:
Different types of receptors help the cockroach to sense different types of sensation for various activities.
Olfactory Receptor:
Their antenna and palps have some sensory structure which makes them enable to sense different types of olfactory stimulus.
Gustatory Receptor:
Maxillary and labial pulp have some receptors for receiving the taste of food and they are called gustatory receptors.
Auditory Receptor:
Cockroaches are able to sense various air borne vibration and sound through their auditory receptor present on their anal cerci which act same function as that of our ears.

Cockroaches are able to change in temperature in their surroundings because their first four tarsal bear pads have thermoreceptors to detect the variation of temperature.
Cockroaches respond to touch due to their thigmoreceptors present on their body, maxillary palps, legs and antenna.
Reference: Anatomy of Cockroaches
Read More: Morphology of Cockroach

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