Amniocentesis for Human Welfare – Imaluop

Hi, we are going to discuss a very important lesson about amniocentesis for human welfare and its good uses. Before understanding the use of amniocentesis we should know about the process of amniocentesis and why it is so important. But it needs ethics because it can be used for human welfare or can be misused so it should handle property. 

What is Amniocentesis ? 

It is a medical procedure during pregnancy which gives us ideas about the genetic information of the developing baby which can inform us about various genetic disorders in advance.

To check the genetic conditions amniotic fluid is collected from the mother and then it is studied for checking if there are any abnormalities in the chromosome of the babies. In amniotic cavity the baby present and the fluid protect the baby against mechanical shock and help to maintain a constant temperature but in that fluid the tissue cells of the foetus is easily available.

The foetus cells in the amniotic fluid can be used for different purposes like checking for any infection or any genetic disorders.  

Why Need Amniocentesis: 

Amniocentesis is applied for various purposes like determination of congenital genetic disorders, neural tube is detected or okay, if the lungs of the baby are prepared for breathing, checking for infection but never suggesting to use it for checking if the baby is male or female. 

Procedure For Amniocentesis: 

At first the mother is said to lie down on a table and then general routine check up like measuring the blood pressure, heart rate checked. Then the position of placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic sac observed using ultrasound waves then local anaesthesia are applied to the abdominal area.

Then a hollow needle is used for collecting the amniotic fluid from the uterus and the fluid is placed in a container which is light protected. Then the tissue cells in the amniotic fluid are sent to the laboratory for further investigation. 

Risk of the Amniocentesis Process: 

Major possible risk for amniocentesis are miscarriage, leakage of amniotic fluid from amniotic sac from the place of puncture for collecting amniotic fluid, premature labour, risk of injury, cramping.  

Risk of Miscarriage: 

Any error during amniocentesis can cause miscarriage, for example if any vessels of the baby cut by the needle, the foetus got infected. Sometimes babies die even if the amniocentesis process is done without any error which has no explanation. 

Risk of Injury: 

In very rare cases injury occurs in foetus because the needle is guided by ultrasound but yet sometimes the baby got injured during the amniocentesis process. 

Special Care After Amniocentesis: 

Though present day it is a very rare case when complications occur during amniocentesis but yet we should take some precautions which will make the mother and baby more safe after Amniocentesis.

Mother should avoid any type of activity which stresses the abdominal area like lifting heavy weight items, jogging still then if any complications occur should consult a doctor immediately. 

Special Attention For Amniocentesis: 

Amniocentesis is sometimes used in the wrong way because it can be used for determining the baby either male or female. Sometimes parents do not prefer female baby due to some peculiar reason which lead them to decide for abortion.

Amniocentesis for Human Welfare
Amniocentesis for Human Welfare

But it is not fair for our society because both male and female are equally important for our society. If it continues then the ratio between males and females should be unstable which is very dangerous for our society.

So we should not use it in an unethical way, we should give value to both male and women equally and not discriminate against anyone.  Due to this reason some countries applied restrictions on the amniocentesis process to prevent abortion depends upon the the baby is male or female. 

Reference: Amniocentesis for Human Welfare 

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