Adaptation of Plants in different Environment – Imaluop

Hi, today we will learn about adaptation of plants in different environments. As we know that climatic conditions are not similar in all geographical regions. In some places climatic conditions are very nice so that major adaptation is not required for survival but in some regions environmental conditions are very extreme. In extreme conditions plants need adaptations to survive that extreme situation.  

To survive in a better way plants need various requirements like proper nutrients, sunlight, water which are not available easily in all regions. Where these requirements are not available easily, plants show physiological, behavioural and structural adaptation.  

Adaptation of Plant in different Environment
Adaptation of Plant in different Environment

Major Adaptation of Plants in Desert: 

Due to very high temperature during daytime, very cold during night, water shortage plants need various adaptations to cope with the environmental extreme conditions for survival. 

Succulent Plants: As water is not available in desert plants need to adapt for water loss. In the desert most of the plants have fleshy stems and leaves which store water. Succulent plants have mucilage which is very helpful for holding water in colloidal form. 

Spine: In desert plants like, in case of cactus leaves modified into spine now think what are the benefits. Most of the water plant absorbed by its root goes out from the plant body through stomatal aperture during transpiration. But in desert areas water is not available easily and if a lot of water turns into vapour through transpiration then it would be very difficult to maintain water balance in the plant body. Modified leaves protect the plant from vast amounts of water loss. 

Very Efficient Root System: Desert plants have very long main roots which can go much deeper underground and collect water. Very long root can compensate for the deficiency of water in the ground. 

Seed Dormancy: Seed needs water for germination but water is not available at all times. If seed doesn’t germinate then existence of desert plants can be finished but their seed remains in dormant stage until sufficient water is available for germination.  

Adaptation of Plant in Tropical Rainforest: 

Plants do not face extreme conditions in tropical rainforest but herb and shrubs grow near ground facing challenges to collect all resources for their growth. But in tropical rainforests most of the trees are very long and their leaves are very large in size.

Adaptation of Plant in different Environment
Adaptation of Plant in different Environment

So they block most of the sunlight to reach the ground and they absorb a lot of water from the ground. But the plants like herbs and shrubs show some adaptation which make them alive in such competition. 

They Can Utilise Low Intensity Sunlight: The herbs and shrubs get very little amount of sunlight but they are able to utilise it for photosynthesis. 

Different Flowering Season: During autumn long plants shed their leaves and the sunlight reaches in maximum amount in spring. The herbs and shrubs on the ground produce flowers in spring because they get more sunlight during spring. 

Adaptation of Plant in Polar Region: 

In polar regions plants face great environmental extremities. Ground is covered by snow for the whole year and the roots can not penetrate the ground for water. For this reason in polar regions plants are very few in number.

But some plants still live there like small grass, shrubs, lichens they found in polar regions in very few numbers. Most of the dead leaves remain attached to the plant body which gives insulation for heat in such very cold condition.

Adaptation of Plant in different Environment
Adaptation of Plant in different Environment

Most of the plant parts are dark in colour which can absorb heat energy. They are not so tall, tall plants are very rare. Shorter size of the plant helps the plant to save metabolic energy. Most of the plants in polar regions have hairy appearance which protects them from excessive cold. 

Resource: Adaptation of Plant in different Environment

Read More: Adaptation of Plants against Herbivory

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