Air Pollution Causes and its Control – Imaluop

Hi, today we are going to discuss a great issue in our environment air pollution causes and its control. The atmosphere where we live should be pollution free for our healthy lifestyle and it is very important for maintaining our potential activity in outdoor as well as outdoor. The pollutant particles released from different sources and our atmosphere is poisonous for our healthy life. 

A physical, chemical and biological change in our atmosphere which gives harmful effects on various organisms in our earth is known as air pollution. We know that our atmosphere has an optimum fraction of different gases.

Any imbalance in the composition of the atmosphere may change our surroundings which may harm different organisms. For example an imbalance of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere causes global warming which makes our earth difficult for a major portion of organisms.  

Some dangerous components of the atmosphere which were present in our atmosphere from the beginning cause different types of respiratory disease in humans and other animals.

Especially dust particles released from some industries cause dangerous lung problems if it is not controlled then it can cause severe lung diseases which are very difficult to cure.

Before we discuss more about air pollution causes and its control we should know about what are the substances which make our atmosphere poisonous for our life. 

Air Pollutants and its Types: 

How a pollutant causes air pollution depends upon it. We can place all air pollutants in two categories. 

Primary Air Pollutants: 

The material which mixes with air and pollutes the air directly is primary pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides released from industrial areas are primary pollutants. 

Secondary Air Pollutants: 

When primary air pollutants mix with other materials and react to form another new  pollutant are known as secondary pollutants like smog which is formed by mixing of smoke and fog is an example of secondary pollutants. 

Major Causes of Air Pollution: 

Now we will know how different air pollutants come into the atmosphere which makes an imbalance in atmospheric composition. 

Air Pollution Causes and its Control
Air Pollution Causes and its Control

Gases Release from Industries: 

Different gases released from industries and factories especially sulphur dioxide and other nitrogen oxides mix with air and imbalance our atmosphere which cause air pollution. 

Automobile Exhaust: 

The gases released by different vehicles have a great amount of carbon content which mix with air and make our atmosphere poisonous. 

Combustion of Fossil Fuels: 

Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels releases a large amount of carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide which imbalance the components of our atmosphere. 

Chemical Used in Agriculture: 

The chemicals used in agriculture to get high crops yield like chemical fertilizers, chemical herbicides and pesticides release ammonia which goes into the atmosphere and makes it rich in pollutants. 

Dust Particles Produced in Mining Industry: 

In mining areas dust particles are mixed with air and the dust particles remain for a long time in suspended form. These dust particles change the chemical and physical properties of air and after inhalation it causes dangerous lung diseases in mining workers. 

Effect of Air Pollution on our Earth: 

Now we will discuss what challenges face different organisms in changing atmosphere and how dangerous it becomes in future. 

Global Warming: 

Due to the addition of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere our atmosphere temperature starts to increase which causes overheating. Glaciers start to melt in polar regions which is very dangerous for most of the organism lining on our earth and sea level going upward. 


Due to air pollution we inhale poisonous material during breathing which damages our overall health. The dust particles present in air accumulate in our lungs and reduce surface area for gaseous exchange. It causes different lung diseases, some of them damage the lungs permanently and cause difficulty in breathing. 

Acid Rain: 

The oxides of sulphur and nitrogen released from industrial areas mix with air and during rain they react with rain water to make the rain acidic. The acidic rain water is very harmful for both living and non living on our planet. 

Depletion of Protective Ozone Layer: 

Ozone layers in our atmosphere prevent the ultraviolet rays coming from sunlight which is dangerous for living organisms and their cells. But some chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons, halon cause ozone layer depletion which helps the harmful ultraviolet radiation come to earth surface easily. 

Air Pollution Control: 

Now it is time to control the air pollution and minimise the harmful effects of polluted air on living organisms on earth.  

Industrial Exhaust Control: 

We can prevent the oxides of nitrogen and sulphur to mix with air directly instead we should filter the exhaust and then release it to free air. 

Automobile Exhaust Control: 

The vehicle should test at regular intervals for their exhaust and we should use the electrical energy to reduce the carbon exhaust. 

Eco-friendly Energy Resources: 

We should avoid fossil fuels and prefer energy sources which reduce air pollution for example, fossil fuels used for domestic purposes release a lot of carbon compounds. 

Reference: Air Pollution Causes and its Control

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