Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly – Imaluop

Hi, now we will know about the symptoms and causes of Acromegaly. First of all we should make an image in our mind of what Acromegaly is. In our body different functions are regulated by the neuroendocrine system. Sometimes some hormones in our endocrine system do not work properly then we face various endocrine disorders.

Acromegaly one of them where hormonal secretion level is not as required so we face abnormalities. In our skull there is a small endocrine gland called pituitary which secrete growth hormone. Now this hormone regulates growth in our body if it does not secrete as its requirements then growth related problems arise.

Acromegaly also has growth related problems where hands, feet and face show abnormal growth. Excessive secretion of growth hormone (GH) is responsible for acromegaly abnormalities.

Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly
Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly

Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly:

Now we will know all the major symptoms and causes of Acromegaly one by one.

Symptoms of Acromegaly:

Symptoms for this disorder is not same for all patients it vary with patients. Symptoms also change from time to time at the initial stage so considerable symptoms are observed. Sometimes symptoms are remain unnoticed for some years. A wide range of symptoms something become confusing to understand the possibility and remain unnoticed. Yet there are some symptoms which may indicate of having Acromegaly in a person.

  • Change in voice sometimes due to excessive secretion of the pituitary growth hormone which may be a result of Acromegaly. Suppose voices become very hoarse but there is no reason for it then it may indicate acromegaly. Even hoarseness in voice not all time indicates acromegaly but should investigate further for having Acromegaly.
  • Due to excessive secretion of growth hormone sometimes sleeping becomes very difficult. Suppose a person who sleeps well but for some period he suffers from sleeplessness then it may be a result of hyperactivity of pituitary
  • If it is observed that a person gets fatigued very frequently then it may be the result of many abnormalities in our body. But one reason for this excessive fatigue may be hypersecretion of growth hormone. So if we observed excessive fatigue in a person so we should consult an endocrinologist for further investigation.
Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly
Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly
  • Sweating is good for health upto a limit but excessive sweating is not okay for your health. So if anyone suffers from excessive sweating even if the person has not worked hard, then it is better to consult a physician for further tests.
  • Frequent headaches may indicate a lot of disorders in our body. But when it occurs with other symptoms of Acromegaly then it is a strong indication of having Acromegaly and we should go to our doctors for confirmation.
  • We know that growth hormones are responsible for growth in our body so if growth hormones secrete over a limit then our body weight starts to increase without any explanation. So an abnormal increase in body weight is suspicious and can give a message of having Acromegaly.
  • Like growth in other body parts, jaws also start to grow so abnormal jaw growth is not good for health.
  • In some cases of Acromegaly joints pain is observed and they start to swell.
  • Gap between fingers and toes became large but it sometimes remained unnoticed because it didn’t create any problems.
  • Different types of outgrowth occurs on skin due surge in growth hormone secretion from pituitary.
  • Sebaceous glands also become hyperactive and skin becomes thick as compared to general skin thickness.
  • Bone also starts to grow, especially bone in hand and feet grow in an abnormal manner. As a result, hands, feet and face give a large appearance.
Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly
Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly

Causes of Acromegaly:

It is now clear to us that Acromegaly is caused by hyperactivity of the pituitary gland but now the question is why does the pituitary gland become more functional? It may be due to different reasons but in more than 95% cases the tumor is responsible for the hyperactivity of the pituitary gland.

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Reference: Symptoms and Causes of Acromegaly

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