Basis of Biological Classification – Imaluop

Now we are going to discuss different basis of biological classification which scientists use to classify different organisms with similar characteristics into a group and separate them into different groups according to their dissimilarity.

When first life came to earth then the living organisms were very simple but now they are much more complex with very advanced features so if we want to study them we should classify them in different groups.

Scientists always try to find simple ways of study different organisms simply and for this reason they classify them into different groups depending upon their similarities and dissimilarities.

But organisms can be classified depending upon various factors and the method of classification also should be in a scientific way.  

From the past many scientists have been trying to classify different organisms on the basis of the external appearance of the organism which is not always scientific so now scientists use different scientific basis to classify them into different groups so that we can study them in a systematic approach.  

Many organisations today are not yet discovered and everyday we find new species and in future we will find so many species. If we can classify them in a systematic approach then we can place the new species in appropriate groups according to the basis of classification.  

Basis of Biological Classification: 

Aristotle was the father of biological classification because he first tried to classify different animals into some groups to help the next generation to study about different animals in a systematic approach.

He used the basis of habitat in which an animal spends most of the time in their lifecycle and according to their habitat he classified the animals into three groups depending on three major habitats, land, air and water.

Though this system of classification was not so advanced than the present day classification, he was the first person who realised the importance of classification and for this reason he classified the animal kingdom into groups. 

Later, more other scientists tried to classify different organisms on the basis of their characteristics but here the scientists face problems again because there are many characters to use as the basis of classification and it is not sure which character should be used as the basis of classification.

For example, birds can fly but there are many other animal who can fly so should we place birds and those flying animals in same group, plant can not move and sponges which are sedentary on marine floor also can not move like the plant so should we classify the sponges and plant in same group.

So there are many conflicts for choosing the right parameters for making the basis of classification. 

Carolus Linnaeus was the person who tried to classify different organisms on the basis of external morphology of different organisms and he proposed binomial nomenclature which was a very effective way of scientific classification.

In this system the name of any organism has two parts, one represents the genus of the organism and another part represents the specific names which was accepted by most of the scientists worldwide and now it is a great system for nomenclature.  

Nowadays we use very advanced knowledge to classify different organisms because today we have a lot of knowledge which is enough to understand the fundamental similarities and dissimilarities among different organisms to classify them.

Basis of Biological Classification
Basis of Biological Classification

The parameters which we use today are – types of cells eukaryotic or prokaryotic which separates the kingdom monera from others organisms, number of cell unicellular or multicellular, level of organisation cellular level or tissue level or organ level or organ systems level of organisation, mode of nutrition autotrophic or heterotrophic mode of nutrition. 

Read More: Autotrophic Nutrition General Overview

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