Garlic And Its Benefits – Imaluop

We are now going to discuss a very useful plant product, garlic and its benefits in different cases and how we can use it for various purposes to enjoy its benefits but before we study more about its benefits we should know about garlic.  

Benefits of Garlic: 

Garlic Helps to Improve Our Immune System: 

Garlic is known to act as an antioxidant so it reduces the effect of toxins and oxidation in our body and they also help to increase our immune system cells so garlic is beneficial for the improvement of our immune system. 

Garlic Have Antibacterial Properties: 

Antibacterial properties of garlic cause control over different harmful bacteria in our alimentary canal like Helicobacter Pylori which is a very harmful bacteria in the case of humans. 

Garlic Control Blood Sugar: 

Garlic also helps to lower blood sugar, especially the boiled or raw garlic, which is very useful to lower your blood sugar levels. 

Garlic Is Useful For Osteoporosis: 

Garlic can prevent calcium resorption from bone and prevent osteoporosis and arthritis because calcium is very important for bone health and when calcium is absorbed from the bone it weakens the bone. 

Garlic Reduce the Chance of Atherosclerosis: 

Garlic is very useful to reduce the lipid in blood and bad cholesterol so it is very useful for preventing different types of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis. 

Garlic Reduce Blood Cholesterol: 

Research on rats shows that garlic has the capacity to prevent the excess production of cholesterol in the liver so garlic can reduce blood cholesterol levels. 

Garlic Control High Blood Pressure: 

Garlic can lower the blood pressure in case of high blood pressure due to the presence of organosulfur compound S-allyl cysteine in garlic and deficiency of sulphur causing high blood pressure.  

Garlic Detoxify Heavy Metal: 

Garlic can reduce the toxic effects of heavy metals in our body due to presence of their sulphur compounds. So it is very useful to prevent the harmful effects due to the presence of heavy metals in the human body like high levels of lead causing different dangerous disorders but a research shows that garlic can reduce the lead level in blood.  

So we are now aware about the benefits of garlic, it can control high blood pressure, high blood pressure, reduce cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, act as antioxidants so we should take garlic in our diet avoiding its pungent smell. 

Basic Information About Garlic: 

Garlic is a herb plant of genus Allium which is available throughout the world and mostly used in cooking for flavouring but they also have some great medicinal values which is beneficial for us.

The bulb of garlic plant is used and its cloves are covered by paper like scally sheaths and the whole bulb is also covered by the scally sheaths. Garlic used to give pungent flavour to food and its special smell sometimes caused irritation for some people due to the presence of the chemical allicin.  

Loamy soil and low temperature is better for cultivation of garlic and they are cultivated around the month November and it takes 4 to 6 month after that the bulbs are collected and dried to store as garlic. 

Different Types of Garlic: 

Softneck Garlic: 

The garlic we generally see in the market are softneck garlic and they have creamy white soft skin is the most common type of garlic. 

Hardneck Garlic: 

They have woody and hard stalks with purple outer covering so they are known as hardneck garlic. 

Silver Garlic: 

This type of garlic is known for their very pungent smell as compared to other types of garlic and their outer covering has a pinkish spot. 

Garlic And Its Benefits
Garlic And Its Benefits

Artichoke Garlic: 

They do not have much pungent smell and the number of cloves is very few but the cloves in artichoke garlic are much larger than other types of garlic. 

Read More: Characteristics of Benthic Zone

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