Types and Causes of Arthritis – Imaluop

Arthritis is our topic today and now we will discuss a general overview of metabolic disorders arthritis with different types and causes of arthritis. No, we will not discuss it in as much detail as medical science but we should know little about it to understand the nature of this disorder, different factors which increase the chance of arthritis and how we can prevent such disorders. 

What is Arthritis: 

Arthritis is a metabolic disorder which disables a large number of people to perform their daily activities easily. Arthritis causes joint pain, swelling and burning sensation due to stiffness or damage in joint tissues and it is observed in all ages and in all gander.  

Different Types of Arthritis: 

Arthritis is a joint disorder and it can occur due to different reasons and depending on arthritis is different types but most commonly found arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and we will discuss some important arthritis below. 


In a bone joint end of two bone present end to end attached but ending of both bone have cartilage layer which prevents the bone damage during the movement of joint. But imagine what happens if the cartilage on the bone end does not present, it occurs in osteoarthritis.

So osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear or damage of the cartilage present on bone joints which cause damage of bones participating to form the joint. As a result we feel pain and burning sensation at the surrounding area of the damaged joint and it is the most common type of arthritis. 

It is most frequently seen in old women and those people who are not active physically on a regular basis, sometimes obesity causes osteoarthritis, previous joint injury also sometimes cause osteoarthritis. Healthy diet, performing physical activity on a daily basis can prevent osteoarthritis in most of the cases. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis: 

Our joint has cartilage on the end of the bone and the whole joint is encircled by membranous capsules which contains fluid for smooth movement of bone in a joint. But in some autoimmune disorders our immune system recognizes our joint cartilage and the tissue of joint capsule tissues as enemies so the immune system triggers its actions.

It results in destruction of bone cartilage in joints and destruction of joint capsule tissues which cause difficulty in joint movement with inflammation in joint tissues. This autoimmune disorder of joint tissues is mostly observed in wrist, knees and elbows joint and majority cases are observed in teenagers. 

Infectious Arthritis: 

When some harmful microbes like Chlamydia, salmonella, shigella cause infection to the joint tissues which cause swelling, painful and burning sensation which is known as infectious arthritis. Infection in joint tissues causes severe arthritis which can be controlled easily with the help of antibiotics but in some cases it becomes very serious.  

Types and Causes of Arthritis
Types and Causes of Arthritis

Prevention of Arthritis: 

We know the causes of arthritis so we can prevent them in different ways which we will discuss more below. 

  • We should keep ourselves active on a daily basis by practicing different types of physical activity like cycling, swimming, running, walking which involves proper movement of joints. 
  • Health of bone is highly dependent on blood calcium levels and calcium absorption is facilitated by vitamin D so calcium and vitamin D rich diets help to prevent arthritis. 
  • As obesity sometimes causes arthritis so we should control our body weight to prevent arthritis. 
  • Sometimes previous bone injury causes arthritis so preventing accidents is also a preventative measure for arthritis and we should not give more stress on our joints which is not necessary because unnecessary stress sometimes results in erosion of bone end in joint. 

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