Application of Enzymes – Imaluop

Hi, now we are going to give you a general overview about enzymes and application of enzymes in different purposes in different industries and fields. 

What are Enzymes: 

In our living cells every moment a large number of biochemical reactions is occurring within a fraction of seconds but if it occurs outside a cell then it can take a few years. We use different types of catalyst to fasten a chemical reaction but which is also used in living cells where some biocatalysts are used to complete different biochemical reactions very fast.

These catalysts are known as enzymes which are protein in nature and they are very specific. That means different biochemical reactions controlled by different enzymes but this process we can use for ourselves for human welfare.

The enzymes are proteinaceous so they can be synthesised and can be used in different industries as a biocatalyst to complete different biochemical reactions very fast. 

If we want to use enzymes in different biochemical reactions, then we have to know the chemical properties of enzymes, functions of different enzymes in different biochemical reactions and their mechanisms. Enzymes catalyze everywhere in a living body in all biological processes like in digestion, respiration and other metabolic reactions. 

Application of Enzymes in Pharmaceutical Industry: 

Enzymatic medicine is a special type of medicine which can perform more potentially than normal molecular medicine because enzymatic medicine can recognise their target and bind with the target which increases the efficiency of the medicine multiple times.

So modern days the knowledge of the function of different enzymes are used to produce various medicines in the pharmaceutical industry. Different diseases like thalassemia, heart attack, and allergy are easily cured by the therapeutic enzymes so they are preferred more than the normal molecular medicine. 

Application of Enzymes in Food Processing Industry: 

From ancient times our ancestors used different enzymes in food processing, maybe they do not know the function of enzymes. Different types of enzymes are used in production of different types of food like in bakery, in meat processing, in production of dairy products. 

Different types of enzymes are used for giving special features to different foods like giving special flavour or giving special taste to the food. For example glucoamylase is used to improve the food quality, peroxidase is used to give special coloration to the food, addition of lipase to add flavour.

Enzymes are used in most of the food processing industries in the process of fermentation to produce different types of food.  

Use of enzymes in different biochemical reactions to produce our daily used product can help to reduce pollution and make an eco-friendly environment. Enzymes are used in detergent for removal of different types fatty stain or proteinaceous stain, different types of enzymes are used to recycle paper by removing the stain of ink on paper.

Different enzymes are used to treat fabrics to last them for more time span. Enzymes are used to recover and recycle different types of material which helps us to manage natural resources scientifically.

In ruminants who take cellulose rich foods which are digested in their digestive system due to the action of cellulase enzymes but humans can not digest cellulose because they do not have any enzymes for digestion of cellulose.

Application of Enzymes
Application of Enzymes

We get food from plants and plants can produce food by the process of photosynthesis and the process of photosynthesis is also a biochemical reaction which is controlled by various enzymes.

Enzymes are very specific for every biochemical reaction which can allow cells to continue different biochemical reactions in a cell without affecting one reaction to another because specific catalysts activate different enzymes. 

Reference: Application of Enzymes

Read More: Structure and Types of Antigen

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