11 Causes of Soil Pollution – Imaluop

Hi, now we are going to discuss major possible 11 causes of soil pollution which makes the soil change chemically and physically and it most of the time becomes very harmful for our environment.  

Waste Materials Disposal: 

In our daily life we have to dispose of various household waste materials on a regular basis and if we consider the amount of the waste materials for a few days then it will give a large amount of waste materials.

The material present in waste materials sometimes cause physical and chemical changes in soil and we can not manage our waste materials property then it causes very much damage in soil so we should dispose of them wisely and scientifically.  

Discharge of Sewage Material: 

Sewage material contains a large number of microorganisms which sometimes cause different harmful effects on animals and humans so we should treat the sewage material before we discharge and mix with soil.

If sewage material is released into soil without proper sewage treatment then it can leach into soil and if it mixes with drinking water then the contaminated water can cause different types of air borne diseases in humans as well as different animals.  

Leakage From Underground Storage Tank: 

Sometimes in the chemical industry some toxic chemicals are stored in iron tanks below the earth surface but with time the tank corrosion occurs which can cause leakage from the storage tank and when the toxic chemicals mix with the surrounding soil then it causes serious change in physical properties and chemical properties in soil.  

Acid Rain Cause Soil Pollution: 

Due to emissions of large amount of sulphur and nitrogen oxides the rain water because acidic and when the acidic rain water leches into soil it change the whole chemistry of soil and make it very acidic which sometimes cause stunted growth in plant growing in soil and it indirectly effect on whole ecosystem. 

Electronic Waste Material Disposal: 

Electronic materials sometimes have some chemicals which are very serious for soil structure when electronic waste materials disposed of in soil without scientific management then the chemicals released from the electronic materials leaches into soil to cause dangerous soil pollution. 

Industrial Disaster: 

Sometimes due to sudden exposure of large amounts of chemicals from industries due to any accident occurring in the storage system of toxic chemicals, mixing of the toxic chemicals into soil changes the physical and chemical properties of soil and it makes the soil poisonous for plants and other animals. 

Coal Ash: 

In some industry high heat energy is required and to obtain that high temperature often different types of boiler are used and as fuels coal are used, after burning the coal the coal ash if reach upto soil then it cause soil pollution because the harmful chemicals like arsenic, mercury, cadmium is very harmful for living systems. 

Mining Industry: 

During mining of different metals and other minerals a lot of soil erosion occurs due to creating deep holes in soil and the mineral dust particles leaching into the soil and causing soil pollution. 


Plastics are very harmful for our environment because they do not decompose by the action of microorganisms so they cause soil pollution, specially the microplastic which is less than 5 mm cause major soil pollution. 

Improper Disposal of Nuclear Waste: 

The radiation coming from decaying nuclear materials causes serious damage to the living systems so we should dispose of them scientifically to minimise the harmful effects on living organisms. But their improper disposal causes soil pollution because the radiation can have much potential to change the soil physically and chemically. 

11 Causes of Soil Pollution
11 Causes of Soil Pollution

Oil Mixing With Soil: 

In the deep ocean some oil plants and leakage of oil carrying boats cause mixing of oil into water and some amount of oil also mix with the soil which causes soil pollution and it causes different issues in our environment and the living systems present in the oceanic ecosystem. 

Read More: 10 Causes of Water Pollution

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