10 Major Causes of Air Pollution – Imaluop

Now we are going to discuss 10 major causes of air pollution which will help us to understand the reason for air pollution and how we can prevent air pollution and we have already discussed different types of pollution and their prevention methods. 

Causes of Air Pollution: 

Industrial Exhaust: 

In industrial areas, large amounts of harmful oxides like oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, oxides of carbon, different particles exist and directly mix with atmospheric air which changes the physical and chemical properties of normal air.

Different gaseous material emissions cause global climate change by disturbing the atmospheric composition and some chemicals are very serious for human health like metal dust particles cause different types of respiratory system diseases because of their deposition in lungs. 

Causes of air pollution industrial exhaust
Causes of air pollution industrial exhaust. Image Credit: Medical News Today

Agricultural Activities: 

In agriculture we use different chemicals to decrease different damage and increase the yield of our crops, for example, we use chemical fertilizers to meet the nutrients requirements in crops, we use chemical pesticides to prevent damage caused by pests, chemical herbicides to restrict the growth of unnecessary weeds, chemical fungicide for controlling various disease-causing fungus.

But the chemical is not good for our environment and human health because the chemicals when they come into the air damage the balance among different compositions of the atmosphere which causes air pollution.  

Burning of Fossil Fuels: 

When we use fossil fuels for domestic purposes, industrial purposes, production of thermoelectric, use in transportation causes emissions of large amounts of carbon monoxide which is responsible for causing air pollution and it causes different types of respiratory difficulty. 

Indoor Air Pollution: 

We most of the time think about outdoor air pollution but we do not give special attention to various causes which make our indoor air quality bad where we live comfortably without any fear. Smoking, burning of plastic, poor ventilation, burning of wood during cold season without proper ventilation release very harmful gaseous substances which pollute our indoor air.  

Exhaust of Transportation: 

In large cities, the population is very busy and due to this large population a large number of vehicles are used for transportation but the exhaust emitted from the vehicle contains carbon particles and some harmful gas which mix with air and make the air unsuitable for the environment.

Some old engines which have reduced efficiency emit more exhaust so we have to be aware of it and take care about the exhaust of vehicles to prevent air pollution

Microbial Activity: 

Different types of soil microorganisms help in recycling different elements in our earth by different biogeochemical cycles but sometimes excess microbial activity causes the production of harmful gas in large amounts which may cause serious health issues.

For example, some microorganisms like some archaebacteria can produce methane but when methanogen bacteria grow at a very high rate then they cause mass emissions of methane gas which sometimes can cause death. 

Burning of Garbage: 

In some cities, the population is very high so large amounts of garbage gather on a regular basis and they need proper management to prevent environmental pollution. But sometimes garbage is burnt in open public areas which causes air pollution and the gases produced during burning different garbage cause emissions of some chemicals which can cause cancer like serious disease in humans.  

Causes of air pollution burning of garbages
Causes of air pollution burning of garbages. Image Source: Phys.org

Mining Industry: 

In the mining industry, large amounts of dust particles are produced which are present in air suspended form, and some dust particles like some metal dust like copper dust can cause serious disease in human beings. 

Synthetic Products: 

Different chemicals we use in our daily life sometimes cause air pollution in our home which is sometimes more harmful than outdoor air pollution, for example, the deodorant and perfumes we use sometimes contain some harmful chemicals which can cause different health issues in humans.  

wildfire and air pollution
wildfire and air pollution. Image Source: Environmental Pollution Centers


Human activity or change in climatic conditions cause sudden wildfire which can release large amounts of harmful gaseous substances and when they mix with air it damages the balance of components of air and causes air pollution.  

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