10 Causes of Water Pollution – Imaluop

Now we are going to discuss about 10 causes of water pollution which makes the water bodies damaged physically and chemically and become unsuitable for aquatic organisms.  

Industrial Waste Material Mixing With Water: 

Some industries release the exhaust directly into the water bodies which pollute the water bodies in different ways and it impacts the life of aquatic ecosystems in a very bad way.

Different toxic chemicals released by the industrial area when mix with water the chemical nature of water change, different organic material coming from different industries when mix with water it can increase of nutrients in water called eutrophication, hot water in some metals industry when reach in natural water bodies then the water become unsuited for the aquatic organisms.  

Sewage and Waste Material Disposal: 

In sewage a large number of microorganisms present which upon reaching on natural water bodies cause contamination and drinking this water causes different infectious diseases.

Untreated sewage material and organic waste materials increase the organic material in water and it increases the biochemical oxygen demand and it causes shortage in oxygen availability for aquatic organisms and the pathogenic microorganisms grow at a very high rate which may cause contamination in humans.  

Mining Industry: 

When we extract different minerals, metal and coal different types of dust particles are produced which can mix with water and change the physical and chemical properties of water and sometimes the metal dust like cadmium, arsenic cause serious disease in humans. 

Accidental Oil Leakage: 

Large amount of oil is transported from one region to another region of the world through oceanic transport and a large number of ships are used for transportation of that oil but sometimes the oil leaks from the ship due to any accident causing mixing of oil into sea water.

The oil does not dissolve in water and remains for a long time and most of the oil floats to the surface of the ocean and causes the death of many aquatic animals and birds.  

Marine Dumping: 

Large amounts of household waste materials are gathered and dumped into the ocean and the waste materials contain different types of material from harmful chemicals to plastic, metals, paper which do not decompose in the ocean and persist for a long time and it impacts marine life badly. 

Burning of Fossil Fuels: 

Burning of fossil fuels produces carbon content in dust form and gaseous oxides of carbon and when the dust particles mix with water bodies it causes water pollution and affects aquatic life and reduces their productivity. 

Chemical Used In Agriculture: 

In agriculture we use different types of chemical fertilizers to improve the yield, we use chemical pesticides to control the growth of different harmful pest but when we use them excess it remains long time in field and during rainy season the harmful chemicals washed down by the flow of rain water and finally mix into nearby water bodies which makes the water bodies pollute and this cause serious damage to aquatic ecosystems. 

Nuclear Waste: 

To produce nuclear energy we use different types of radioactive fuels but they need to be disposed of scientifically and most of the time they are disposed of in deep ocean to avoid any nuclear accident but improper disposal of radioactive material can watch pollution and give harmful effects on marine ecosystems. 

Animal Waste Disposal: 

In some farm animals waste materials are directly released in water bodies which makes the water bodies contaminated with different pathogens and it can cause different water borne diseases like cholera, dysentery and it increases the biochemical oxygen demand in water bodies. 

10 Causes of Water Pollution
10 Causes of Water Pollution

Acid Rain: 

The acidic waters coming from acid rain also make water unsuitable for aquatic animals because for proper metabolism a specific pH is necessary but the acidic waters disturb the natural pH of water bodies and give harmful effects on aquatic animals.

Read More: 10 Major Causes of Air Pollution 

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