Class Cyclostomata: Characteristics Classification Affinities and Phylogeny  

Reproduction In Lamprey

Cyclostomata is a primitive Vertebrate belonging to the group Agnatha as they do not have jaw and their mouth is circular so they are known as Cyclostomes. Present-day Lamprey and Hagfish we see are placed under the class Cyclostomata, before Cyclostomata we have no living evidence for primitive Vertebrate, one group Ostracoderms also considered as … Read more

Differences Between Lamprey and Hagfish 

Characteristics Features of Cyclostomata

Lamprey and Hagfish are two groups of class Cyclostomata, both have some common features as well as vast differences. Phylogenetically Lamprey and Hagfish evolved from two different ancestral stock so there are many striking differences present between them, based on the dissimilarity they are placed into two different order underclass Cyclostomata. Lamprey belongs to the … Read more

Phylogeny of Cyclostomata  

Phylogeny of Cyclostomata

Phylogeny of Cyclostomata: The Agnatha are the primitive members of Vertebrate and their mouths do not have jaw, this is the main feature of group Agnatha. Under Group Agnatha, two classes are present, class Ostracodermi and class Cyclostomata, Ostracoderms are extinct now but Cyclostomata presents today in the form of Lamprey and Hagfish.  So Cyclostomata … Read more

Affinities of Cyclostomata  

Development in Lamprey Ammocoete Larva

The advanced features of Vertebrata present in Cyclostomata point out their ancestry of present-day Vertebrate. But some primitive and peculiar features present in Cyclostomata are very close to the features present in Cephaochordata. These affinities of Cyclostomata with the primitive non-vertebrate show that the Cyclostomata was the primitive ancestors of present-day Vertebrate, especially the Ammocoet … Read more

Examples of Cyclostomata  

Characteristics Features of Cyclostomata

Cyclostomata includes jawless fish like eel-shaped animals, some important examples of class Cyclostomata will be discussed below.  Petromyzon:  Petromyzon is an important member of class Cyclostomata, Petromyzon lives in both marine water as well as freshwater. Petromyzon is present in almost all parts of the world, most of the countries use Petromyzon as food for … Read more

Classification of Cyclostomata  

Habit and Habitat of Petromyzon(Lamprey) External Appearance

Class Cyclostomata contain fish like jawless Vertebrate with a circular mouth, lamprey and Hagfish are two groups of this class. Class Cyclostomata have around 50 species of Hagfish and lamprey, they can be classified into different subclass, orders,s, and families based on the similarities and dissimilarities among them.  As the members of this class have … Read more

Petromyzon: Habits Habitat Morphology Digestive Reproductive Nervous Excretory Respiratory Circulatory System 

Habit and Habitat of Petromyzon(Lamprey) External Appearance

Basis Overview of Petromyzon:  The most primitive Vertebrate are the jawless Vertebrate or Agnatha, both Ostracoderms and Cyclostomata belong to the group Agnatha. But Ostracoderms are extinct now so the Cyclostomata are the examples of living primitive Vertebrate. Petromyzon is jawless fish-like animals that live in both freshwater as well as marine water, the lamprey … Read more

Economic Importance of Petromyzon 

Economic Importance of Petromyzon Used As Foods

Petromyzon is a fish-like aquatic animal, they spend most of the time in marine water but at a certain phase of time, they migrate in freshwater for reproduction. In the perspective of economic importance, the lamprey has a specific role in the food chain. In economics, the lamprey has both positive impacts as well as … Read more

Development in Petromyzon 

Development in Lamprey

Development in Petromyzon is indirect, their life cycle involves a certain larval stage after metamorphosis the larva convert into adult Petromyzon. Petromyzon is dioecious, male and female release gametes, in water fertilization occur externally. The female Petromyzon releases a large number of telolecithal eggs, but the eggs have a large quantity of yolk.  Then the … Read more